rFactor Communication Via IRC


Hi chaps,

Had a good look around and couldn't see a thread quite like this so I thought I'd post one.

I found this while browsing around this page http://rfactor.net/web/rf1/devcorner/qa-with-the-developers-of-rfactor-pete/ of the rFactor/ISI website:

"The IRC client inside rFactor right now defaults to join #rFactor on EFnet, but can be set to join any network and any channel the player wants. The client supports most of the features of the popular mIRC client for windows, although it is constrained to one channel at a time. I think players will find that IRC is a good tool to communicate with other sim racers while having a somewhat controlled environment."

So rFactor uses IRC to operate it's chat facility.

Is there any way one can connect to it with an external chat client like mIRC or KiwiIRC? I would love to be able to embed an IRC client into my website that allows users to communicate directly with dedicated servers.

Anyone have any information on this at all? I've tried all sorts of things with no success thus far...
