rFactor Crashing to spinner


Hi People,
Yes Ive checked the forums for similar titles and from what Ive read, my issue is different.

I purchased the following upgrades to my existing system-
Gigabyte Assassin2 motherboard
Corsair Vengeance DDR3 ram
Gigabyte GTX670 card

The issue I now have is that rFactor will crash to spinner from about 20min- 30min in...

With discussions Ive had from within my circle, it is suggested that the issue could be power settings related. I have checked all the advanced power options for the hard drive, card etc...and have set them accordingly. Now, not being too confident that Ive actioned all variables possible with this board, there may be something Ive missed...

Does anyone have anything to add?

Thanks in advance.
You didnt explain if that occurs in online or offline mode.
If it is in online mode it could be server side problem or your connection to it.

If you really think its related to your new specs then i cant help you.
Hi People,
Yes Ive checked the forums for similar titles and from what Ive read, my issue is different.

I purchased the following upgrades to my existing system-
Gigabyte Assassin2 motherboard
Corsair Vengeance DDR3 ram
Gigabyte GTX670 card

The issue I now have is that rFactor will crash to spinner from about 20min- 30min in...

With discussions Ive had from within my circle, it is suggested that the issue could be power settings related. I have checked all the advanced power options for the hard drive, card etc...and have set them accordingly. Now, not being too confident that Ive actioned all variables possible with this board, there may be something Ive missed...

Does anyone have anything to add?

Thanks in advance.

This is online play only, I will test offline mode today and confirm if above happens or not...
I just had about 2hours of off line play with out any issues...
Ill now contact my host to see if they can help with anything (not likely)!

For those that are able to assist with some ideas, Im all ears?
First ...
-No torrents downloads while using online games
-No wireless connection while using online games

As a community administrator,almost all problems reported like yours are based in this 2 things.
Also,a new clean instalation could solve your problem.Maybe some MOD...some track....who knows.
First ...
-No torrents downloads while using online games
-No wireless connection while using online games

As a community administrator,almost all problems reported like yours are based in this 2 things.
Also,a new clean instalation could solve your problem.Maybe some MOD...some track....who knows.

Hi and thanks for your thoughts, I'm mindful off both those issues and can say NO to all of the above...

Not knowing my motherboard as well as I should, im thinking a thorough overview is now in order.
Straight up im looking at "Bigfoot Networks Killer Manager" options to see if there may be something here.

Have done-
1. Ive ruled out rFactor as I play offline for more than 1hr- no issues
2. Ive ruled out my ISP as I have run rFactor online with my wifes PC (my old mobo and card)- no issues

To Do-
1. Test rFactor 2 online to see if same issue presents (no other games installed to test on)
2. Know more about motherboard

Will reply later with outcomes...
Have done-
1. Ive ruled out rFactor as I play offline for more than 1hr- not this issue
2. Ive ruled out my ISP as I have run rFactor online with my wifes PC (my old mobo and card)- not this issue
3. Tested rFactor 2 online to see if same issue presents (no other games installed to test on)- not this issue
4. Know more about motherboard however, obviously not this issue due to point 3- not this issue
5. Ran a different vehicle online to rule out issue with skin pack, same problem- not this issue
6. Reinstalled rFactor 3 times already and still same problem- not this issue

Not sure what else to try now!

Any other ideas guys?
"crashing" to spinner or desktop from an online session normally results in a error sound and message, gmotor, mas, hdv error.. etc.
another reason for dropping out to the spinner would be connection related, with a message "connection lost"
"crashing" to spinner or desktop from an online session normally results in a error sound and message, gmotor, mas, hdv error.. etc.
another reason for dropping out to the spinner would be connection related, with a message "connection lost"

Thanks for your reply John,
It is "connection lost" that I receive and then back to spinner.

I found a post somewhere that suggests running rFactor in windowed mode, I have now tested this and succeeded in not crashing to rFactor. Yippee!

However, instead of crashing back to spinner, I now lag instead...
I must have something running in background services but what and why only rFactor 1.255?
rFactor 2 works fine online...

Still looking...
Ok, Still have this issue...

What I have done is *repaired Windows7 to see if this could have been my issue as I had problems with the auto updater not working and most forums searches here suggesting you do a fresh install.
Along with this I reinstalled rFactor again for the 4th time and still get the crashing to spinner or if I run in windowed mode instead of the crashing to spinner I get major stuttering.

rFactor 2 works fine
rFactor 1.255 works fin on my other PC
Other games work fine online

so what gives...

Could this be my motherboard?
Does anyone have an Assassin2 2011 that can add input?

Thanks in advance...
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It sounds to me like you're just randomly losing connection - and quite possibly don't have any problem at all. Sorry to ask, but are you really sure you're not simply randomly losing connex and mistakenly thinking there's some underlying problem?

Another couple of things to try:

1) On the rFactor shortcut, right click on it and select properties. You'll see a line that reads:


Change it to:

x:\your_installation_path\rFactor\rFactor.exe +fullproc

See if that helps. Then try this (which is unrelated to +fullproc switch - which you should keep)

2) run an instance of rF dedicated server, and see if you can join through the in-game browser - via "internet" option - not LAN.

run rfactor dedicated.exe located in your root rF folder.

pick a track + set any relevant options (recognisable name, for example)

run rfactor as normal. Multiplayer, net, try join your server. Check results.

If you can't join for some firewall reasons, try joining via LAN (change multi refresh type to LAN - under connect/settings)

Check if you get kicked as normal......and if you do, check the server chat box for reason why you (the client) left or was kicked.
It sounds to me like you're just randomly losing connection - and quite possibly don't have any problem at all. Sorry to ask, but are you really sure you're not simply randomly losing connex and mistakenly thinking there's some underlying problem?

Im sure of this, online play with rFactor2 and another well known racing simulation are a consistent connection!

1) On the rFactor shortcut, right click on it and select properties. You'll see a line that reads:


Change it to:

x:\your_installation_path\rFactor\rFactor.exe +fullproc

Will try this out now and reply of outcome soon...

2) run an instance of rF dedicated server, and see if you can join through the in-game browser - via "internet" option - not LAN.

run rfactor dedicated.exe located in your root rF folder.

pick a track + set any relevant options (recognisable name, for example)

run rfactor as normal. Multiplayer, net, try join your server. Check results.

If you can't join for some firewall reasons, try joining via LAN (change multi refresh type to LAN - under connect/settings)

Check if you get kicked as normal......and if you do, check the server chat box for reason why you (the client) left or was kicked.

Tried this through "Internet" connect and my server is listed in match maker, I get the "Time Out"
Unable to pick my server up through "LAN"

Before you pick on my poor router (Its copped a lot of abuse), it cant be this as in my opening question I indicate that I can connect using my older motherboard in my wife's PC without issue.

Do you think there may be some driver files associated with my you bute' Mobo that don't like the ole' rFactor?

Really appreciate your attempts to remedy my issue...

Im thinking of formating my drive and installing a scratch windows7 rather than a repair...
Hmm, annoying problem!

Funny you can't see the server via LAN - usually you see that and not the net. You set the dedi to LAN under connection type?


In a quick search I came across problems with the BIOS of Assassin M/B - they recalled it only last December because of issues at high stress. Heat?

I suppose it's perhaps a possibility you're suffering some issue with that.......can't think of much else it could be.

Have you updated the BIOS to latest? Seems extreme measure, but in this case, seeing as they recalled the board for it, maybe it's worth a punt?


A motherboard with a gun on it? :D

It seems odd that running windowed prevents the problem. Less stress on some resource?

OTOH, tried running with router in DMZ - totally open, no firewalls, nada?

No win firewall? No Antivirus, no WinDefender?

A reinstall would be tempting if you've not much installed....... but....ugh! ;)
Thanks for the reply mate, Ill now look at the BIOS updates (if any)...

I reinstalled a fresh windows 7 and unfortunately, my problems is the same!

Damn, that's bad news. BIOS update is surely worth a look then.

Difficult to see what else it can be.
In an attempt to problem solve my issue, i purchased another version of windows 7 and an SSD to install it on. Ive set rFactor config to "auto DirectX" and have tried running in compatibility mode for both XP and WIN7!

This has not solved my problem...

I get a lot of "stuttering" likened to "Lag" but not, as other online users see my vehicle as normal and my ping is fine!
Only happens in rFactor1, no issues with other PCs connected to same router nor issues with other online simulators.

Ive now had to cancel my current season with two leagues due to this issue.

If only ISI could read this issue and offer a possibly remedy!
for trouble shooting purposes, do-not copy a existing .PLR or multiplayer.ini over when re-installing rfactor.

this information below comes directly from the ReadMe.chm in your root rfactor folder.

Multiplayer Client Setup:
To simply join an Internet game for the first time, you should first set up your connection. Go to Settings under the Connect icon on the main page. Pick the Connection Type that is equal to or less than the real connection you have. For example, if you have a Cable or DSL line with 192kbits upload capacity, we recommend choosing the Cable/DSL 128K Up selection.

If you have tested your connection and know that your precise upload and download capacity is not comparable to one of the existing Connection Types, then choose Custom and specify those capacities directly in Upload Rating and Download Rating.

Warning: picking a connection type faster than what you actually have will likely lead to a unsatisfactory multiplayer experience.

hope you sort your issue soon, i'm sure it's frustrating.
Thanks JGraf, your idea sounded positive however, this did not work...

Back to the think tank!
I hope i dont sound harsh, but i remember an old crack having the same syntoms.

If you did try "a not official demo" (say so lol) before to purchase rF, a full uninstall, a registry cleaning and a new reinstall from one of the sites here


might help.

If you never tried a crack, please forget and forgive my post :)
Haha, forgotten all ready!

I'm a legit purchase, Ill take any thought process at the moment though so don't feel bad for your terrible suggestion. ;)

I just updated windows and check all hardware drivers, I then started rFactor 1.255 online and as typical as ever, 20mins or so on track and Ive "lost connection".

I then started rFactor 2 about an hour ago and Im still running online whilst Im here surfing the www...

I just don't get it, weird!
Seems that i resolved my problem, by changing my modem!now i can race online every time of the day but some times when I race online it gives me "lost connection" then goes to windows mode.

Try to change modem to see if you can resolve your issues!
¿have you tried running rfactor as an administrator?; can't say why, but it could help ;-)

Thanks gentlemen,
I have tried a second modem through my efforts of elimination however, still doesn't explain why I can run rF2 and other simulations online though...:D

I always run all programs as administrator, just a habit! :D

Thanks for the thoughts though, ill keep up the fight...:confused:

Anyone who has an Assassin2 board and experience this issue as described above, I found that the setting of "Priority" for rFactor exe. under "Applications" within the "Bigfoot Network Manager" should be set to "Normal" rather than prioritising rFactor as "1" (Highest).

Pain in the but issue was resolved by one stupid adjustment, GRRRRR!
