rfactor dvd failure


ciao sono roberto e scrivo dall'Italia.
Il mio dvd di rfactor non viene piu letto dal lettore sicuramente dall'usura.
Come posso fare?

Hello, I am Roberto and I write from Italy.
My rfactor dvd is not read by most readers surely wear.
How can I do?
You should not put thie cd on the table like you did on the screenshot.
But hold on, i ask gjon and tell him about this thread, i think if someone can help you, he knows about.
Sorry, I don't quite understand... was it working before and now it is damaged and can't be read or did you just buy it recently?
and no 'so long that runs on my pc, but now no longer read, but I put it in as if not exists.
sorry my engl pls :-(
and tnx all
Hi Bee, he is saying that his DVD is not read anymore.
His guess is becouse the disc is time-worn.

He asks if is possible to fix the issue.


Bitto, hai provato a lavare il DVD?

Anche, prima di sentire il supporto inglese, sai che l'estate scorsa rF era allegato a Win Magazine Giochi?
Non so bene se è un quindicinale o un mensile, che cmq viene venduto in edicola ... magari se il lavaggio non risolve e se nessuno ha altre soluzioni, potresti chiedere se hanno ancora l'arretrato.


Bitto, did you try to wash the DVD?
Also, before to hear if the english support has some solution, last summer rF was the gift in the italian magazine Win Magazine Giochi.
If there are not other solutions, perhaps you could try to ask them if still the issue is available.


[EDIT] il sistema scritto qui per la pulizia mi pare migliore ...
http://www.comesifa.eu/Categorie/computer/Come si pulisce un DVD.htm

... anche mio nipote usa il detersivo e riesce a ripristinare buona parte dei CD/DVD sciupati.
Grazie Max per i tuoi consigli, e grazie a tutto il forum

tnx all guys
Seem to have same problem - Failed rF DVD launch

ISI rF Note Dec. 2010

I can't understand all of the Italian entries here. But, I seem to have similar symptoms with my rFactor DVD now also. When attempting to launch rF, the DVD spins up for 5-10 seconds with simultaneous small splash screen, and then quits with no error messages. Interesting that my rF installs all stopped launching completely on the same day that bitto69 started this thread. I have successfully used the DVD since purchasing rF 3 years ago. It is my favorite sim, of many. So far I have tried the following to fix it with no change:

1. Cleaned DVD with lens cleaner and micro cloth. It was practically like new still (stays in the drive most often :)
2. Cleaned registry with CCleaner
3. Swapped optical drive used and confirmed other games that check DVD, startup OK (minor problems with 1 of 6 other games launching).
4. Disabled Avira Antivirus protection. However, some parts of it were also updated on 12.10.10 - Hmmm...
5. Tried adjusting time clock forward or backward. Based on other threads this seemed to help others with similar circumstances, although they may have had PC system changes involved.

Can you throw me a bone for further troubleshooting? I am about out of typical checks.

Looking forward to rF2. But, would like to keep using my current rF mods. and tweaks!

Pls try a different rom device.
Maybe you have an usb CD/ DVD /BR device?
Pls try a different rom device.
Maybe you have an usb CD/ DVD /BR device?

Thanks for the quick response!

I did try both of my optical drives (see item 3). Both are internal with write capabilities also. One is a CD R/W with DVD Read, and one is a DVD/CD R/W. Both have read the rF DVD fine for over 2 years. I don't have any ROM only drives, remote or otherwise. Why would both optical drives lose read capabilty for this DVD at the same time? The DVD looks like new (no scratches or blemishes).
Given the DVD worked fine before, either something on your system has changed that is preventing it from being loaded, rFactor installation is corrupt, or you have damaged the disc.

Some general info on this type of error (for anyone encountering this error or "Please insert correct CD/DVD" error):

First make sure you haven't renamed the rfactor.exe or any mod/addon you've installed hasn't renamed it. It's also best to troubleshoot from a clean install with no mods/addons/plugins to ensure they aren't causing the problem (corrupt installation) which is the #1 cause of startup failure.

Also ensure you have administrator access. Right click the rfactor.exe and select "Run As Administrator...".

This error may be caused by a defective DVD, your DVD drive is not SafeDisc compatible, or the DVD drive (hardware and/or software) is not correctly installed, or a system level issue that is preventing the loader from locating the DVD. If some system software was recently upgraded (such as antivirus or Windows), this may be the cause of the issue. For AV software updates, you may need to add rfactor again to your AV exclusion list and firewall allowed list.

Try testing the DVD in another computer and if the same error occurs, then the disc may be damaged.

If the disc works fine in another computer, this would likely indicate an issue on your computer that is preventing the disc from being located and/or read. This may be due to CD/DVD emulation software such as Daemon Tools (which you may have to uninstall), or a possible faulty or incorrectly installed DVD drive, or one that is not SafeDisc compatible (such as older or cheaper DVD drives). Check for firmware updates for your DVD drive at the drive's manufacturer website that are compatible with your operating system.
im having same problem,after i put disk in drive after a few seconds a box comes up and it says insert new disk, and one time the disk worked, but when i clicked on install it loaded about 10% and then a box popped up and said error decrompressing data, corrupt installer. i hope someone can help, i dont have the extra cash to pay for the game again. thanks
