rFactor HotLaps setup, How to?


Hello all, i'd like to setup hotlaps for my mod/our league, but have no idea what to do. i have downloaded the Kennyvette program but am unsure what i'm supposed to do with it, installation wise. i've had a look at the v2 hotlaps guide.pdf but being a noob at this server stuff, i'm having issue getting my head around some of the terminology.

could someone please point me in the right direction as to how to set it up, would be most grateful.

Hi Angus do you want to give me more information on the setup, we run it in our league so if you want any help let me know.

I didnt want to start another thread, so I thought I'd just piggy back this one. I too am having a problem getting hotlaps to work. The pages come up but no information is there. When selecting marquee, the ticker states, "Your Server No Track - No Session (No Drivers) and that is continuos. When calling up the rFactor Live, it states Your Server

No Session
No Drivers
Red flag

No Track.

Here is the link to my site. http://ptownsimracing.netai.net/

The links are at the bottom of the first column shown as Here
HotLaps Max
Race Results
League Results
Live Status

If you need more information, please let me know.

Thank You.

thanks miltec, i really need a "start to end" guide, i really have no idea on how to get going with. example, it says to install to the dedicated server, so do i install on the dedicated server that i hire on a yearly basis or is it refering to the dedicated server you get with rfactor, i have no i dea

its not clear enough for me sorry.

It needs to be installed in the rfactor folder where the exe is sited.
Then you'll need to configure the service to run automatically
Hi Angus,

We are using it as well so Miltec and i can team-up on this one :)

Its actualy a fairly simple program (as aposed to others that is) and there's only a few things to focus on.
1] install the thing
2] set the correct ports
3] make it available on your site.

After installing you will find a new folder called rFactorHotlaps inside rfactor, thats the only folder you need to look into.

Make sure the ports (from the dedicated machine) are correct in some of them files inside the rfactorHotlaps directory within rfactor. get that wrong and nothing will work (for example my port needed to be 27011) and 'some of those files' are: hotlapsplugin.ini & rFactorHotlaps.properties (i think thats it, not 100% sure if there are more files that need this)

Once you got that sorted you want to publish it. Simply change the adress in the links provided in the pdf. so is the link to be used on your website and gives the livefeed. and the IP adress should be the IP adress of your dedicated server.

Thats the basics to run the service.

To configure, a few items to know:

You can find 4 .htm files in \rFactorHotlaps\web, these htm files are the ones feeding results to your webpage(s)
Each htm file gives a different table of info on race results.

For example, we use 1 for livetiming, 1 for weekly results and 1 for the entire season of all championships. the 4th gets ignored or only used by admins behind the scene's.
(Each htm file can of course be altered to change appearance etc.)

The rFactorHotlaps.properties inside rFactorHotlaps\config will give you the opourtunity to change the values that are on display via the htm feeds. This file controls the entire configuration and it will require some testing and figuring out what you would like to show and what should be ignored.
I suggest not making to much changes at once in the .propeties file.

rFactorHotlaps uses its own results folder which it leaches off of the dedicated server btw.

I'm not sure if changes stick on a running service, i recall doing allot of stops/starts so if you are not getting results try stopping the service , make the changes, and start the service again. (using the bat files in the main folder)
Depending on the connection between server and site it can take a minute or so for the pages to become active again.

Thats about it for a quick guide, reading the pdf can freak you out, seems very complicated but it realy isn't.

Good luck!
now so i get this right.......i DONT install this to my own pc do i.

i'm renting a dedicatedserver from Hypernia Gaming Servers, i installed hotlaps to my computer a couple of weeks ago and then tried to upload the rFactorHotLaps folder to the server but over half the 400 odd files refused to upload. so i'm concerned were i install to.
Like Miltec said, it needs to be on the server.

Just upload the exe to the dedicated server and install it from there into the root of rfactor. Everything is done from the server, no need to have it on your own PC unless you would want to check out things offline.

Edit: First remove the stuff you just uploaded to be sure. should only be the main RafactorHotlaps folder to remove.
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well, i tried to upload the rFactorhotlapssetup.exe file to the server so i could install it, and filezilla flatly refused to do it, as soon as i clicked the upload button, it instantly rejected it.

Did it say why? there should be an error-entry in the main window of the ftp proggy.

Maybe exe's are not allowed on that dedi so zip it up and try again.
well, i tried to upload the rFactorhotlapssetup.exe file to the server so i could install it, and filezilla flatly refused to do it, as soon as i clicked the upload button, it instantly rejected it.



Did you manage to get this to work ?

You can't upload a: .exe or .dll it needs to be either zipped...or rar'd.

With that said...then if you have remote desktop access..unzip it.


Did you manage to get this to work ?


No. i havent bothered to try since posting the earlier posts. just cant understand why a lot of things rFactor related are so hard to get out of people, not here but a lot of other places give me the impression that by giving out info about rFactor they think that they have given up some kind of secret and now you are as smart as them.

anyway, as i said i have bothered with it.


btw have a great xmas
