Rfactor online problem


when i go to online join no games come up and when i check all my settings everythings good and my internet is fast

i have a wired connection

what should i do to fix it?
Could be a few things, but my first suspicion would be the required ports aren't getting through properly

You running any firewalls, either hardware/router based or software/personal on your pc?

Sitting behind a proxy?

The rfactor manual has information on what ports are required for online use (firewall guide section) :cool:
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ok so i checked all the firewalls and stuff every things good and when i put in match.rfactor.net and pushed (hosting test) it said "could not determine the status of your connection"
also this may have nothing to do with it but my rfactor didoes play music anymore
when i put in match.rfactor.net and pushed (hosting test) it said "could not determine the status of your connection"

That is a common issue, but not related to your problem.

Try to ping the matchmaker, so to see if your connection is slow at the point the matchmaker refuses you.


then digit

ping match.rfactor.net

and click the OK button.

For istance, my ping to match.rfactor.net is 198ms, which is decent seen i am located in Italy.
Now cant remember the "refuse threshold", but i guess it is over 1500.
ok sorry i have no idea what start----- execute is or how to ping rfactor.net so maybe you go go into a bit for detail i use windows2000

also i see when i push host test a little black note comes up in the bottom saying "test port forwarding to firrewall"
Host test isn't anything to do with your problem.

Max means Start -> Run (he's Italian, so probably error in translation), or hold your Windows key on your keyboard and press R.

It'll pop up asking what you want to 'open', so type in 'ping match.rfactor.net' and hit OK. You'll get a command prompt pop up and see it pinging that address. If nothing is blocking your connection you'll see it saying 'Reply from ...', or if you have something blocking it it'll say "Request timed out."
Have you tried disabling any firewalls for a minute or two to see if it works then? Sometimes they don't work as you'd expect when it comes to allowing things, disabling them for a short time is the easy way to rule them out.

Tried a clean rFactor install?
Host test isn't anything to do with your problem.

Max means Start -> Run (he's Italian, so probably error in translation),

Yes sorry, the translation of Windows terms is always a sort of Bingo. :)
ok so tried the fire wall nothing but i havent tried to reinstall rfactor because i have no idea how to un install it or what do so... please be patient and be as detailed in what i should do
windows 2000 ? sounds old i have win 7 and 28-9 i get latest windows update and my pc get crazy i start rfactor it start up 2 sec then stop the sites freezze when i try surf on internet files get corrupt i get a lot of poblems after last win update until i did find the problem.
It was win update that get me the fault latest update with KB890830 and defender KB915597 did that , so that update i not install more , how i fix it i reset my pc to when i get that update and now pc works ok again stupid windows update !
