Rfactor server issues


Hi there,,

I recently hired an external rFactor server,, after learning the ins and outs of setting up a race it all went fairly well some freinds that wanted to join are having issues with Join Timed Out, and I am loading up fine but when it loads to the pit screen the drive button is blacked out and no car loads into the list... I have tried this from 2 Pc's at my house and the same issue and I have also tried to join other random servers and It also does the same thing.. Yesterday It was working fine for me and it would load and I could race on the track... but 3 other PC's from 2 seperate locations would time out so I re-installed the server and thats when my problems started... I still have the Time Out Issue to deal with as well as this but i can can cut it back to one issue then that would be good...
does anyone eles know of timeout issues related to a Static WAN IP ?

Any help would be great Cheers Sean

Also my mates that Time Out can get onto other random servers and play fine....
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that is a host problem if you are behind a router and shall host server you must open up ports so other drivers can join your server and are you host server from 1 pc and try join your own server from 2 pc you get timeout then you need do 1 ghost server see links below how you can set up server/s

First you must get in to your router that you do in a window what ip you shall use depend on what router you have http://www.wikihow.com/Set-up-Port-Forwarding-on-a-Router
or google your modem netgear open ports for example
next step to now what ports you must open i use cports http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/cports.html
i start my dedicated server and then start cports and look what ports my dedicated server use then i add that ports into my router.

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Hi it Is an external server that I hired from hypernia... I have forwarded ports both on my router and my mates, I have also made sure windows firewall is allowing both rfactor and the port permission, I have 2 copies of are factor on 2 pc's on my personal network with 2 rigs setup. My mate also has 2 pc's hooked upto his personal network both of us can join radom public rFactor server but only I can join our private server hosted by Hypernia.com, I can search the Hypernia server via IP search he can not he gets to the password screen and it times out, I have since fixed the track/car loadup issue so I can join fine and do laps no problems from both my PC's on my network. Only difference with the 2 conections is he has a Static WAN IP and I have a Dynamic

I have tried.

Getting Hyperina to reinstall the server
Used a Muliplayer.ini i found from you I think ?
re-install rFactor 4-5 times
Reboot both router's to factory settings
Turn off windows Firewall and Windows Defender
Set permissions for both game.exe and ports
Portforwarded the correct ports to both routers, Both still say "Blocked" But I can Join and he can't and I both maually set them and used Portforward.
Del Player profile and start again. This fixed my Issue of not seeing the Car/Track
Set All Pc's to have a static LAN IP

umm and I sure there is more..... so I'm at a loss..... Last effort is I have asked the server provider to set the server up as "Public" not "Private" as He seems to have no problem joining radom public servers within the rFactor search area.

Hi ya,

Can you just clarify exactly what you did when you put the Multiplyer.ini onto Hyperina's server?

It just sounds like an odd thing to do as most rFactor server hosting companies set the rFactor ports to use in the Multiplayer.ini and then forward those ports to that server. If your replacing the Multiplayer.ini and it has the wrong ports in it, then that could be an issue right there!
yhea I saw them they are different to the 34447, 34297 & 34397 ?

I noticed that but,,But I can join no probs... Most of the time, It's Def a server issue I think you can join if you want its now public and see if you can join "Canberra Sim Racers". However I'am having a fight with them atm, I have re-installed the server so many times now and still no joy... Only a long shot but I did read somewhere because He has Static WAN IP and the Server Is Static as well that sometimes if the connection between the 2 log an error it can stay there even if the problem is solved ? one solution for fixing a time out issue is power cycle the router to obtain a new IP ?? so if he has a fixed IP everytime he power cycles the router he gets the same IP... ??

So if I was to say be dumb enough to transfer the Multi ini across with the incorrect Ports say and he tryed to log in and it timed out. an error would have reported and say I had the same Issues and I power cycled my modem thats why I work and he doesnt maybe just maybe ????

just speaking out loud... If thats a chance at least then how do you recycle a Static IP ??

Also ports are open but a PFTest says they are filtered,,but mine is the same and I can join.

Good spot old mate now to just try and fix it
I tried joining your server a few times, but I also timed out just like your friend.

The port for the match maker must obviously be open for me and others to see it, but the other ports are either wrong, closed or being forwarded to some where else. What have you changed since the last re install on the server exactly?
Have I done to my System/Windows ?

I ahve been in contact with the server company and they said it was a Ping issue,,, My mate was joining other servers at 600-800 we have since got his ping down to 60-90 and still wont join
When I talk about Server, I'm talking about the Dedicated Server (Hypernia).

I had another try again to join your server to check it, but it's vanished completely now from the matchmaker list.
I dont think it was a ping issue, as I increased the timeout time in the multiplayer.ini just incase it was slow.
Just curiuos why you need a dedicated rFactor server as it sounds like you and you friend both have the capabilities to host directly from your homes.
The server has been redeployed now "PsychoSim Motorsport" New IP and just a standard mod & track. after the ping issue was fixed, he had everything WIFI'd up to it he was getting 75ms "Still No Joy" I can now join again but he cant but he tried 10 dif random other servers and guess what not an issue at all. It's got me buggered what is happening I just assume that if he can get into other servers then it cant be his Network/Router/Game/Windows/WinFirewall as if there was a problem from there it would not let him into any servers at all...??? Correct ???

Setting up our own rFactor Server is what I wanted to do originally But I tried for 3 weeks to get the damm ports open and still I cant it says "Filtered" I Have a perfectly good desktop with a AMD X6 1100T 16gb ram 2gig storage + 240gb SSDI Drive that is screaming out to have a Dedicated server running on it, I think I have tried everything short of changing Routers, Do you need a Static IP to host ? I was under the impression that you didnt,, Anyways that makes no difference if I cant get the ports forwarded...

Ok I may have found 1 thing I didnt do that I saw nothing about on any forum, That is @ iinet (My provider) they have an option in the Toolbox that is "Port Blocking" I have turned it off.... I'll keep you posted they it takes upto 1hr too take effect........

Crossing Fingures .................. :)
Ok thats wasnt it I think rFactor is determined not to let me and my mates play online together !!! I have droped Win&Router firewall alltogether and still no joy,,, I have a belkin surf F7D2401 v1 with lates firmware... Also Have Belkin F9j1002 V1 cant open ports on either of them so it must be a windows issue I guess,, But the firewall is diabled
I persoanlly dont rate Belkin and Thompson equipement very highy, I've personally had issues with them, but others swear by them.

I am a querky person and make up my own rules of thumb etc, I'm old and allowed to be eccentric.

My rule of thumb that relates to port forwarding is that
"you are the admin, you never port forward to yourself. You always portforward to someone elses computer/internal ip address".

1. Login to your Belkin modem router.
2. Reset everything you have done so far as I have no idea what you have turned on or off.
Enable and enter the following information.

Description = rFactor1
Inbound Port = 34397 - 34397
Private IP Address =
Private port = Not a clue as I dont use Belkin

Description = rFactor2
Inbound Port = 34447 - 34447
Private IP Address =
Private port = Not a clue as I dont use Belkin

Description = MatchMaker
Inbound Port = 39001 - 39002
Private IP Address =
Private port = Not a clue as I dont use Belkin


Now go to the computer that is going to be the host/dedicated server and change it to a STATIC IP ADDRESS

So you should be entering

IP Address =
Subnet Mask =
Default Gateway =


Double check the static IP address has taken effect by openning a command prompt and typing ipconfig. hopefully all the numbers match above.

Then it's time to test if you can now host, so may need to use your other pc to see if you can see your session in the matchmaker list and join it, and then if successful get your friend to test if he can see it and join your session.

If it doesn't work, let me know what other things you changed.
as you can see I dont have an option to put a port range and everything I have read on the internet shows to put the same port number in both the Inbound and Private Port boxs

I think its time to give up or get a different router ?? is anyone confident that its a router/modem issue... Im having the same problems with a mates connection too,,, Why must this be so fricken dificult we just want to race online....

Cheers "Frustrated"
Windows 7 is such a pain in the bum!

I just spotted in your screenshot that your network setting is on PUBLIC, it has restricted communications which is a right pain to manage manually beacause all the advanced controls are hidden all over the place. It should be on Home/Office so it doesn't block the incoming traffic.

If you have an old computer running XP laying around doing nothing, try that instead as you can be sitting there all day trying to sort this problem out with Windows 7.
ya I can see my servers finally in rFactor,,, I get join timed out..
as stated B4 I have 2 PC's on the same network 1 PC running the rFactor server and one I play on can this be an issue or do I need to look further afield ?
Having 2 or more pc's on you network isn't a problem because you set up the internal network static ip.

I think this is a Windows 7 issue, something is configured wrong on your pc's
I've just installed rFactor on a spare computer on my network (I have 3 PC's and a netbook) One PC is still running Windows 7, all the others run XP. I've just installed rFactor onto it and openned a session called Canberra Sim Racers.
I can see it in the matchmaker list and also join it without any problems. The ping time is going to be High because I'm in the uk and that pc is on wifi. I'll try and leave it running.
Hi all good I did some reading up and i need to search by LAN and it works fine,, Server is running and 1 mate can join but the other cant they can bot join other servers on the same LAN

the 2 mates that are trying to join are on the same network "not at my house" will this be an issue and what can I do to fix it

I pressume the mate who can join is some how connected to your internal network. The other 2 who cant join are trying to connect over the internet. They cant join as you havent fixed your problem.

I can turn on all my pc's and netbook and join all of them onto a server without any problem. Their connection type is set to internet not lan, as lan is your internal network.
ok there seems to be a misunderstanding of the situation I have.

There are 2 houses House A (my house) House B (Mates House)
House A has 2 PC's 1 Race Rig and One Server (My house) i can now host + join my own server.
House B has 2 PC's connected over LAN and running through the same router to the internet, one of those PC's can join my server but the other cant, However they can both at the same time join some random server with in rFactor.

Tell your mate to turn off the port forwarding on his router, I cant be certain without trying it, but I'm thinking all the inbound traffic for rfactor is some how being forwarded to only one computer.
I logged the mate off that can join and tried the one that couldnt, its still couldnt.. It makes sence thou that one PC is getting all the traffic
Yes, of course they should be able to.

If I can connect basically 4 computers here at my house to a dedicated server in Hungary without out any problems, your friend shouldn't have any problems either.
""There are 2 houses House A (my house) House B (Mates House)
House A has 2 PC's 1 Race Rig and One Server (My house) i can now host + join my own server.
House B has 2 PC's connected over LAN and running through the same router to the internet, one of those PC's can join my server but the other cant, However they can both at the same time join some random server with in rFactor.""

One Server (My house) i can now host + join my own server. So far it sound right

I think i now what problem you have you can not host 1 server you must start 2 servers server 2 all can join include your self.
Server 1 is a ghost server the ports collide in the router.

House B has 2 PC's connected over LAN and running through the same router to the internet, one of those PC's can join my server but the other cant.
Connect over lan is somethings complet different then join connect over internet i suggest House B connect your server over internet to not get join time out from your server you host from house A

I think you both can join a server that someone else host to join other server shall work it is when try host server it can start struggle i hade same prb when i get me 2 ps i host rfactor server from pc 2 and race with pc 1 then i could not join my own server i get joined time out until i saw that ports from my server collide in the router with my rfactor game so how o solve that was i start up 2 servers then i could join server 2 and also all my friends

look at this post http://tripp.team-forum.net/t18-fibersserversettingsv10
IP-anteckningar read how to set up server to avoid join time out when you host server from a 2 pc then the pc you race with and offcourse you must open up ports that server wanna host on a tip is if yoiu wanna host more then 1 2 servers say 10 servers add start port then set end port 10 ports higher then you save ports to open in the router but you must join the servers from lobby list that way it is not possible join your server by a ip GL.
thanks ill try that do i make both servers the same mod/track... ?

I did have 2 servers on the same PC running earlier and my mate could join both so could I,, we tried again for one mate at house be to completely get out of rfactor and the other mate to try and join (mate also at house B and the one that previously couldn't join) and he could join, we turned off the port forwarding and it still didn't work, rFactor seems not that smart when it comes to multi player his network some how isnt letting both PC's use the same port.. as with the server issues that are now fixed im sure there will be a solution...

i may need to modify the multiplayer.ini to allow a larger port ragne ?? is was thinking any ways.
no need do that i think..
Save your multiplayer ini file and test start server with this multiplayer ini file http://tripp.team-forum.net/download.forum?id=18
and when start a server set dedicated at custom and drag upload download to max no need set it to the down upload speed you have max is best.

What you can do is use cports and see what ports your dedicated server use.
http://rfactor.no-ip.info:100/rFact...ee what ports that program use when start.rar

Start 2 dedicated servers and then start cports and look what ports they both use and open this ports in your router.
If you wanna host 2 servers and open the ports normal you must open 3 items for every server so 2 servers need open 6 items.
Or edit start & end ports as i wrote in the earlier post if you have open up max items in your router.

i have set up from my server pc 30 rf light install tyhen i just add the mods in each installation folder for this 30 servers/installation i make userdata to each one and then i have 1 locations folder for all tracks to save hd space if you just have 1 rf install on pc you host servers with you make 2 userdata and copy the dedicatet exe and rename so you can host 2 servers with just 1 rf install but with 2 userdata to use different mod and tracks

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