rFactor Tweaks Post what you find usefull in Tweaking rfactor


Up Your Load Time:

To further speed up your load time you can
bypass the intro movies when loading the game.
Delete the files
inside the \rFactor\MovieFiles folder of your installation. Be sure to
look there after loading a new MOD as the developers like to put new
files there.

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We sometimes get asked the same questions more then ones so i thought i
would post some tips and tricks to getting your install of rfactor up
and running sweet.
This is a few things i do as soon as i install

1. Multiplayer.ini Tweak
Find the following lines in
your mutliplayer.ini file and change them to the values below. The
multiplayer file can be found in rfactor\UserData\yourName\ folder.

Server Updates="999"
Default="400" This value relates to the number
of server listed when you click on multiplayer. If you have trouble
finding the Ausfactor server then ths value should help.
4000 means
it will attempt to show 999 multiplayer servers with each refresh. Do
not make this number any higher than 999 as it will default back to 400
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A great tweak that helps to avoid laggy drivers is open multiplayer ini file with wordpad
Edit Max Data Per Client="9999" to 128

Max Data Per Client="128" after that join a server you have high ping on and see the difference no more laggy cars :D

This edit also helps when host servers to not drain the upload speed

Edited Multiplayerfile 1.0

Edited Multiplayerfile so restarts have no delay (invisible cars on grid)
And server load game & tracks faster.

[ Multiplayer Server Options ]
Loading Sleep Time="2"
Loading Priority="2"

Wanna have more cars then mod allow.
Max MP Players="104"

If the upload drain your server so it lagg
Max Data Per Client="128"

Faster delay between sessions.
Allow Hotlap Completion="32" 32 means that hotlap is on warmup ! so 5 sec after P or Q time is on zero server shall chance to next session.

Delay Between Sessions="5.00000"
Delay After Race="20.00000"
This is minimum time i have test

IN PLR file you can set practice to 0 so server goes to qualify if you not wanna have practice .multiplayer file set password name ads as you want all this i set to ""

Replace player with your name. Your Player.PLR file contain
many settings you can tweak to improve the game. Your Player.
file can be found in rfactor\UserData\yourName\ folder.

Default="0" Repeat Shifts will eliminate annoying
accidental repeat shifting in the heat of a great battle,
this means
you can shift gears without the fear of going from 3rd to 5th by
Other choices for repeat shift delay are listed in
comments next to this setting.
I use 4.

Allow Rearview In
Default="0" If like me you use a swingman view to race,
unless you set this value to "1" you won't be able to get the rear view
mirrors to work.
Swingman view is definded as viewing the car from
behind and above the vehicle, much like allot of old arcade games.

Fuel Strategy="1"
Default="0" Reletive Fuel strategy sets the way
fuel get added to the car during a pit stop.
Setting this value to
"1" will add the required ammount of fuel at the pitstop just like in
real life racing while setting
the value to "0" means you leave pit
lane after your stop with the nominated amount of fuel you requested in
your setup.
In theory using the value of "0" means you could leave
pit lane with less fuel then you entered.

Keep Received
Default="1" Setting this to 3 allows you to keep all
setups sent to you for all time.
You have to manually clean out your
received setups folder but setting this to "3" is good incase you
forget to save a good setup someone sent you.
Setups that drivers
send you will be names after the driver they were sent from with a
number appended to it, therefore EK02 is a newer sent setup then EK01

Default="0" Allows you to scroll through the entire field
in your pit menu and back to the start again.
Usefull for looking at
who is placed where during a race.

Open your Player.PLR File,
find and adjust as below.

FPS tweak for people having problems in
large fields
Set opponent detail to low.
Then edit your PLR file
under graphics options.
Opponent Texture Override "-1"
You can
change the number from 1-3
Low texture= 1 (Recommended)
medium= 2

Self In Cockpit Rearview="4"
Self In Cockpit
Helps a ton for FPS Performance

Rearview Cull="0"
// Whether to cull objects in the rearview based on vsgroups in the SCN
Rearview Cull="1" // Whether to cull objects in the
rearview based on visgroups in the SCN file

Rearview Particles="0"

In Game Setup

game setting that I use for my controller however these can be
personalised to your prefered liking include:
Speed Sensitivity-5%, X
Axis Sensitivity (Left to right wheel)- 0%

I also turn my Sound
effect volume slightly higher then my engine volume so I can hear the
tyres loosing grip and turn the in-game music low or off.

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If you run more then one hard drive in your computer like
me then a small performance gain can be made by shifting some of the
loaded files to the other drive.
To do this you need to move the
files and alter your config.ini file. The config.ini file can be found
in the root directory of your rfactor install.
By default it is

Config.ini Tweaks

Move your tracks
directory onto a second hard drive and share it amoung multiple
installs of rfactor.
Copy your entire rfactor\GameData\Locations
folder onto your second Hard Drive. for the purposes of this exercise
we'll presume you have moved it from the above
location to
D:\Locations. Open config.ini and find the following line and change it
to below
New =
Don't forget to add the trailing ""

can be done with any or all pointers within the config.ini file to move
your Replays, Logs, movies, etc directories.

Driving Advice

you aren't scaring yourself at each corner to the extent that you don't
think you'll make it around then your not driving to your full

Smooth driving is faster then trying to drive like
there's no tomorrow, Ease the car don't the gears, turn in smooth and
fluid and above all use all the track and the proper apex.
movements are not always straight to the floor and easing the throttle
on can yeild lower lap times through smooth
corner exits.

you approach the apex of a turn under braking, ease off the brakes in
preparation to drive the car out.
Hold a small percentage of
throttle throughout the corneing process so the rears don't lock and
send you into a oversteer or unsteer situation.

Always think
about the next turn after the one you are approching and be mindfull of
your cars position reletive to the track for optium pace throughout the
entire complex of turns.

Practice Practice Practice. Always pull
some laps at a track (At least 20-30) using the default setup or your
favourite consistent setup before making changes.
You will naturally
be lowering your lap times ragardless of the setup due to better track
awareness and increased track time,
its not untill you can
consistently pull your own record pace laps that a setup change will
show benefits or losses.

Never take a received setup as the best
possible setup. it might be the best possible for that person, but you
are not them.

Don't manic when around other drivers or in a pack
of drivers, run your own race and they will find thier own path past you
or you can find yours past them.

Be conscience of ither drivers
but never over polite in letting them through, often your actions in
getting out of the way is worse then just running your own race and
letting them find a way past you.
There are obvious exceptions to
this rule such as lifting off the throttle on a main straight.

are not Lewis Hamilton, Casey Stoner or Peter Brock. get over it and
have fun.

Most first corner accidents happen because a driver
see's a hole and thinks they can squeese into it when 3 other driver
also think the same,
hold you line during turn 1 opening lap. sort
yourself out and then get racing. You can only loose the race on lap 1,
never win it.
Driver at the back of the pack on an opening lap be
aware of a chair event of everyone braking early and adjust your braking
to suit.
If a front running driver gets a bad start, you also
should be mindfull that you cannot make up for your poor start in turn
In summery, regarding turn 1 on an opening lap, if you are on the
outside of the grid at the start, you should be prepared to go around
the outside of turn 1.

Learn the game controls so you can adjust
your pit strategy on the fly. Items such as requesting a pitstop early,
adjusting fuel loads,
repairing damage and adjusting type changes
should all be easily adjustable from your keyboard or wheel buttons. If
you do not know how to do this,
learn as it is intregal to being a
front running in any league.

to do in PLR file

in controller file


Alternate Neutral Activation="0" // whether to select neutral if shift
up & shift down are pressed simultaneously -
change to "1" if
you use paddles and want to press both together to select neutral (good
for when you are driving without autoclutch but you are left-foot
braking and you spin)

your seat and mirror while in the driver's seat

Pressing your
seat adjusting keys WHILE holding SHIFT will change your mirrorposition

Virtual mirrors in Cockpit view.

Edit your username.PLR

// Virtual Mirrors: 0=off, 1=Center and laterals, 2=only center,
3=Laterals only (only virtuals, reals was off)

Virtual Rearview
In Cockpit="1" // Activate mirrors in cockpit:
0=off, 1=on

camera vibration, head shake, cockpit vibration
Open up the .cam
file that belongs with the mod you wish to adjust, use notepad or

Find this line under the camera you wish to adjust,
999.000000, 999.000000)
Your values may be different.
Change the
first variable to somewhere between 1 and 35
Eureka now the horizon
stays as steady as you like.

Setups go into your rfactor\UserData\Your
Name\Settings\Track Name

If you can't see it under that track in
the game then click the button above the setups window called "Show All"

Player.PLR file will be in the same area as your Multiplayer.ini file.
It is another file like mutliplayer.ini. it is not a line of code in the

Must have Tweaks guys for the Real thing. Firstly cockpits dont
shake so much in real life, your eyes dont bounce up and down.
is a fix for that, you actually see the car bounce and not your vision,
secondly is a head roll instead of a head turn in cockpit view and
lets face it we turn our head over to our shoulder going
around a corner, not pivot our head left to right like the game settings
Thirdly a FFB setting Duke gave me for the G25, but dare I say
the Momo would accept it, its a road sensitive settings, and not rip
your arm off type settings.

BACKUP your PLR incase you muff this
up... you can always do it again from the original one.


Cockpit Vibration Mult1="0.00000"
Cockpit Vibration

add to plr and test

Head Roll
and paste this section over the original section.

Angle="0.35000" // Angle to lean head (roll) w/ steering in radians (=
degrees / 57)
Look Roll Angle="0.35000" // Angle to lean head (roll)
w/ controller in radians (= degrees / 57)
Glance Angle="0.75000" //
Angle to look left/right (yaw) w/ controller in radians (= degrees / 57)
Angle="0.20000" // Angle to lookahead (yaw) w/ steering in radians (=
degrees / 57)
Head Physics="1.00000" // Fraction of head physics
movement applied to cockpit view (position AND rotation)
Rotation="1.00000" // Additional head physics multiplier affecting
rotation only
Exaggerate Yaw="0.80000" // Visually exaggerates the
heading angle of the vehicle by rotating the head (which may improve

Original Settings incase you stuff it up haha...

Angle="0.00000" // Angle to lean head (roll) w/ steering in radians (=
degrees / 57)
Look Roll Angle="0.75000" // Angle to lean head (roll)
w/ controller in radians (= degrees / 57)
Glance Angle="0.75000" //
Angle to look left/right (yaw) w/ controller in radians (= degrees / 57)
Angle="0.20000" // Angle to lookahead (yaw) w/ steering in radians (=
degrees / 57)
Head Physics="0.00000" // Fraction of head physics
movement applied to cockpit view (position AND rotation)
Rotation="1.00000" // Additional head physics multiplier affecting
rotation only
Exaggerate Yaw="0.0000000119" // Visually exaggerates
the heading angle of the vehicle by rotating the head (which may improve

FFB Settings

Forget Real Feel as I dont have it.
Make sure you have the latest version of Profiler from Logitec. Always
load it up prior to your game launch

Profiler Settings
Device Settings/

Overall Strength 105%
Spring Dampner 5%
Effect 5%
"Click" Enable Centering Spring
Centering Spring
Strength 5%
"Untick" Report Combined pedals (personal Preference)

Ingame Settings
Force Feedback = Wheel (derr)
Strength = -40% ( for some
reason Logitec prefer )
FFB Effects = Full

THis lets you feel
every bump, rumble strip, every life of a wheel on the track, loss of
grip from braking... To me its better than realfeal..
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to servers

Join a Server in seconds without having to refresh
the list over and over again. This will get you into the server in about
10 seconds max.

Make a copy your shortcut to rfactor on you
desktop or create a new one by going into your rfactor directory, right
clicking the executable / Send To / Desktop (Create Shortcut)

your shortcut is on your desktop, Right click on it and select

In the Target Text Field the is where you want to put
the Server information.

Target: C:\Program Files\rFactor.exe
+connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx +password "xxxxxxxxx"

Mine looks
like this:
C:\Program Files\rFactor.exe +connect
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:34298 +password "xxxxxxxxx" if server have pw

the port address (34298) and password can be changed for the different
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Drivers is lazy they wanna have direct ip so they can join server direct.
But when i set server like picture shows with a start port and a end port means that servers only can be joined from lobbylist not by direct ip.
Becasue when join by direct ip drivers get a join time out like servers not respond.
If rfactor servers use start end port same port as port for my driver pc shows join a server by ip should works but because i have router that just allow 20 items i set up servers as this to save items/port even if servers not can be join by direct ip when host many servers the port can be different every time it start up so have same port to server is need to start them up in right order.


I not is satisfied to just host 1 server i always like testing what the limit is
128 kb upload per user is easy to see matematich how many drivers i can have on all servers let see what server 1 use when it is 20 drivers in it 128x20drivers= 2560 that is in upload 26% of 10 mb upload as i have dedicated tell me that also download in dedicated is then 3 %

Now we play with it let me say i wanna have 80 drivers on all servers that is 80x128=10240 then is all my upload gone and servers start lag

I have 78 drivers 78x128=9984KB upload 26%x3=78% upload and 9% download i got now it is soon that all servers start lag.

So there is my limit with fiber cable and 100/10 mb in speed

Lets play with the numbers how much/many drivers can have on all servers with 100/100 MB down and upload but the month pay is double prize then !!

100000KB/128KB=781 users max when servers is set to allow 128 KB to all users.

Year 2013 i can have 1 GB down and up it can be highway to host as many servers and drivers i want 1000000KB/128KB=7812 users driver

But so long i only have 10 MB upload i can spread them on 3 full servers aka 25 drivers on each server and it works even if they are full 75 drivers

with 96 kb max data in multiplayer ini settings you can host this limit with drivers on your server/servers

1 MB upload 10.4 Drivers
2 MB upload 20.8 Drivers
3 MB upload 31.2 Drivers
5 MB upload 52 Drivers
10 MB upload 104 Drivers by the way that is the limit that one rfactor server allow !!
20 Mb upload
30 MB upload
40 MB upload
50 MB upload
60 MB upload
70 MB upload
80 MB upload
90 MB upload
100 MB upload 1040 Drivers Total on many servers

obs test set max data even lover test 64 KB test 32 Kb 16 KB

and see how server behave and also the car

If set upload to 250 KB in dedicated as i see some server do then your inping on server when ckeck /ping in chat is let say 52 ping but all drivers around you u see have over 200 in ping why ?

Because the hoster have set server upload to little but not strangle max data in multiplayer ini

Set dedicated server to custom then lower max data in multiplayer ini and begin start testing what the server can handle with max drivers on it.

Here is a post how to let server respond faster and maybe works better.

All shall be edited in multiplayer ini and plr works better when host and play

Edited Multiplayerfile 1.0

Edited Multiplayerfile so restarts have no delay (invisible cars on grid)
And server load game & tracks faster.

[ Multiplayer Server Options ]
Loading Sleep Time="2"
Loading Priority="2"

Wanna have more cars then mod allow.
Max MP Players="104"

If the upload drain your server so it lagg
Max Data Per Client="128"

Faster delay between sessions.
Allow Hotlap Completion="32" 32 means that hotlap is on warmup ! so 5 sec after P or Q time is on zero server shall chance to next session.

Delay Between Sessions="5.00000"
Delay After Race="20.00000"
This is minimum time i have test

IN PLR file you can set practice to 0 so server goes to qualify if you not wanna have practice .multiplayer file set password name ads as you want all this i set to ""

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Wow.. thanks for this tip. All these years I thought +password didn't really work. I noticed you had double quotes around the password. That is the trick. I never tried double quotes because I didn't think you needed them if you didn't have a space in the password.


to servers

Join a Server in seconds without having to refresh
the list over and over again. This will get you into the server in about
10 seconds max.

Make a copy your shortcut to rfactor on you
desktop or create a new one by going into your rfactor directory, right
clicking the executable / Send To / Desktop (Create Shortcut)

your shortcut is on your desktop, Right click on it and select

In the Target Text Field the is where you want to put
the Server information.

Target: C:\Program Files\rFactor.exe
+connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx +password "xxxxxxxxx"

Mine looks
like this:
C:\Program Files\rFactor.exe +connect
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:34298 +password "xxxxxxxxx" if server have pw

the port address (34298) and password can be changed for the different
Ping problem online

Over 250 in ping can be a problem so close other programs , like torrent programs,
because ping can be sky high when
use all kinds of programs that allow uploads from a user.

To fix that high ping you can close all other programs only have rfactor on.

Or let for example torrent program be on BUT strangle upload to
10 KB then and see if your in ping gets lower,or ask a driver in the chat if you get lower ping.

To see your in ping write /ping in the chat , see others ping and usernames klick TAB.

In races klick off TAB because see all drivers ping can get you lower FPS.
to see FPS=framerate klick Frames per second CTRL F.

If a admin on server see that high ping and tell you to fix it.
and you not listen be prepared that admin maybe kick you out
but before that he say low your ping or fix your ping.

A great tweak that helps to avoid laggy drivers is open multiplayer ini file with wordpad.

Edit Max Data Per Client="9999" to 128.
Max Data Per Client="128" then close file over write it say klick ok .
After start rfactor and join a SERVER if you now have high ping on and can
see the difference no more laggy cars.

This edit also helps when host servers to not drain the upload speed.

If you host a dedicated server

Thank you for reading this.
More helpful things when figure out when do a liga
how best settings for race is to speed testing up this we do offline.

Set up rfactor to simulate the race you have in mind set x fuel x time and so on then add 10 AI

Go to start race go press race when race start go back in pit then klick on CTRL T .
Now the race speed up so you not need test a 30 min race 30 min.
This way it go faster useful to see if you set race in 24 hours.
To see excact how much night you have edit the race start time to chance it as you wish.
Old topic but i can't remember how to turn off UI server list. Can someone tell me what file i need to edit :)
