Running Indycars on Ovals and AI problems...


Guys - really hoping someone can help me here!

I am DESPERATE to run a NASCAR-style number of races for an Indycar 1994/95 mod but seem to have MASSIVE problems with the speed of the AI's on the ovals?...

Is anyone able to let me know 'Step-by-step' how to change this?
I cannot stress how bad I am at following instructions to do with this kind of stuff so if you are able to help me it would be VERY much appreciated!

Thanks folks.
If anybody ever answers a request for help here, I'll be amazed. I'm looking for help with the AI and other parts of rF as well so if you ever find an answer, please share. It would be neat to see an answer posted instead of "google it". :)

Good luck!
ha! Fat chance of getting a response here brother!
You tried iracing? Been on it since March and biggest waste of time. Full of idiot drivers who would kill people on race track in real life! lol
77Racer, can you be more precise? Which Mod is it and what exactly is the Problem with the Speed on Ovals? Is the AI too slow or too fast? And do you use the default Setup? Or do you let the AI use your Setup?

And ZiggyM, you should compare this Forum with other Forums and you will see that there are a lot of helpful Answers given here. But since rFactor 2 has been "sold" to S397, the most rFactor using People are in the S397 Forum, because rFactor 2 is the more used Version of rFactor now.
And the Hint "Goggle it" is given often, if things have been answered 1000 Times already.
