[Server]: Cannot Wave Green Yet

Frank Geyer

Hi There,

currently we are under a development process of setting up and determining the thorough requirements for long distance races with an option to give one the opportunity to rejoin the race after a disconnect. Many things had been sorted out and most of it could be clarified by try and error, automated scripting and/or investigating the trace.txt file generated by rFactor Dedicated Server with option trace=4.

But once in a while the rFactor Dedicated Server throws out the following "exception":

[Server]: Cannot Wave Green Yet

I'd really appreciate it if one is able to clarify under which circumstances the rFactor Dedicated Server throws out this "exception", cause so far we weren't able to reproduce this behavior on demand ...

Thank you very much in advance !!!


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You have to provide more information. It looks like it happend during formation lap. Just before the race start? Was it a flying start?

Every track has a special marker - a point where rF will give you green start. Right now I won't tell you exactly what's that about becase we (SRPL) get over that issue, which we also had many times, long time ago. Probably the Safety Car should already be in the pits before poleman cross that marker where rF gives green flag. Which marker is that? If I remember correctly, that's one of the AUX markers found in AIW file but I'm not 100% sure right now.
Hi LesiU,

yes, the Type of Start is set to Rolling. So far the exception was thrown only right before the Race Start during the Formation Lap or in the Last Lap right before the restart of the Race during a Full Course Yellow Game Phase.

OK, the AUX marker hint within the AIW file seems to be a very good point to start from troubleshooting this issue. I'll get back with our Track-Modder to see if can work it out that way. Nevertheless I would be very grateful if you could get back with your people to check and how to define the AUX section within the AIW file correctly to avoid such issues.

Thx again very much !!!

The message is usually displayed as a result of the order of vehicles changing just before the green was waved, with not enough time left for people to take their new positions.
Bee, yes... but if the marker is at wrong point, then:
a) rF will flag green later then should and all drivers that already passed that point, will be 1 lap back. So for example if rF decided to give green when P7 was crossing the marker, then P7 will start the race as P1, P2 as P8 etc. What about drivers P1 - P6? They will be at positions at the back of the pace, so as 6 last drivers (even though they are in front) and will get blue flag
b) nothing happen, you will have to do another formation lap

We had a lot of problems with that and to some point, didn't know what was the reason. At some tracks you could mess with formation line and do crazy things, like P1 was 10 cars behind, P2 somewhere at the back, P15 as poleman... and you got green without any problems (well, rF eventually penalized some drivers, but no issues with green flag) and at some tracks you get green flag issues even with PERFECT double file formation.

Yes, I sent a message to my friend who worked that out and was making corrections to tracks. Will write as soon as he tell me what exactly was that marker.
OK, what can I say ... thnx again to both of you for your very early reply :) !!!
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@LesiU The OP asked what circumstances in which this message is displayed, and thus I stated the circumstances under which is it typically displayed. I am not saying it describes every possible scenario or underlying cause with 3rd party tracks, etc. It's simply general information which the OP may consider useful while trying to resolve the issue.
Did I say anywhere that I don't agree with you? :)

I said that when we had problems with race start under rolling start after formation lap, it was mostly because of the wrong track settings (because most of the times our drivers kept their positions during last stage of FL).
If Frank will do tests and it ends up that the drivers were messing with their formation positions and that was the cause of the problem then that's great for him! Problem solved!
On the other hand, if that was not the problem.... then it's better to check the AIW file.
OK, so it looks like it actually does not relate that much to SC as I thought but still, it is directly related with "green flag" marker. To be even more specific, it is not about one of the AUX markers like I was suggesting earlier, but to the whole TELEPORT section of the AIW. You can call it something like a grid for flying start... rF will throw you there when you are racing with AI and skip formation lap. First position for teleport must be backed off the S/F line, long enough for rF, otherwise you won't get green (or you will get it later than should).

ISI provided good explanation, how to make that correctly:

"Note to track-makers: if race restarts sometimes delay a lap or more after the safety car pulls off, it may be because your teleport locations are too close to the start/finish line. This is because the leader's teleport location helps determine where to throw the green. Please use an AIW editor to fix the issue.(...)

14. Mark Teleport Spot:

Select the waypoint you want to be the teleport spot. I used grid position “1”. Select Mark as
Teleport Spot from the menu. The rest of the teleport locations will be created after saving the
AIW file and leaving the editor as explained in the IMPORTANT NOTE below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The actual locations will not be generated until you leave the track
(out to the main menu, NOT the monitor) and reload the track. Once you reload the track,
the teleport locations will be created and you must save the AIW file again.

Note: If you must move the teleport locations, you must manually delete the teleport locations out
of the AIW file using a text editor. From the top of the file search for "[TELEPORT]". Delete all
the text between the TELEPORT header and the next header. Save the file and re-enter the
editor. The teleport locations will be automatically generated next time you enter real-time."

My friend suggest to have teleport start at about 20th GRID place (for standing start). Typically, that's about 2-4s after green, before you cross S/F line after race start.
Hi LesiU,

sorry for my late reply, but the last few days had been pretty busy :( ... Thank you very much again for your help / explanation on this issue :) !!! I'm very sure that our Track-Modder knows how to handle these information ...

