server issues


i bought rfactor 5 days ago works just fine but then 2 days ago i bought another copy for a friend and used all my information such as name card number ect. when we both go to join a server already created or when he even goes to join one he isnt able to race online at all the race icon in the lower right coner isnt lighten up. Why is that and are we able to race each other at all? When he or i create a server neither one of us can find the server that was created. What are the problems we are having and can they be fixed so we can race online?
Sounds like he might have spectate mode on (assuming there have been no mismatch messages in the chat window, which usually also disable the Race button).

As for making your own server accessible, check out the documentation that comes with the game (game folder, and support folder I think). The server needs to be enabled (there's a built-in hosting test, but it just sets a value in the multiplayer.ini I think), required ports need to be opened, it needs to report to the matchmaker (if you want it to show up in the list, rather than connect by IP), and you might need to increase the number of listed servers to be able to see it (think that's in multiplayer.ini too). Finally sometimes you need to refresh the list a few times (checking each time) before it shows up.

It's a bit of a hassle the first time round, but well worth spending a few mins... or hours... reading the documentation and checking what's in your PLR and .ini files...
all that and..
when I first started putting up servers nothing worked for a week of trying until I set my router to DMZ mode.
So if going thru a router give it a try.
Less secure but, the only thing on my server is the game.
thanks for the help. how does someone go about turning specate mode off? im running off a wireless connection and he is running through a router how does he do the DMZ mode? when he went in there were no mismatches att all every type of series does it to him then
DMZ is in the router security settings and only if that one is the server. And only if it helps, not everyone has or needs that.
Spectate is in the network settings in-game.
