server problem


Hey guys I am new to r factor and not the greatest with computers. I got on r factor today and It says no games available. I don't know what to do I reset my internet and computer. The only thing i did was set the esc for exit. Please help thanks Mike
Just tried that still nothing. I dont understand what the heck happened
I even plugged my computer right into the internet to make sure i didnt have a problem with my wireless. Still same problem.
you pressing the green refresh button above where it says no games available?
[gMa1.002f (c)2007 ]] [[ ]]
[ Multiplayer General Options ]
Net Connection Type="4" // 0=28k, 1=56k, 2=ISDN, 3=128kbps cable/dsl 4=256kbps cable/dsl, 5=LAN, 6=custom
Upstream Rated KBPS="256" // Rated uploading speed of connection, in kilobits per second
Downstream Rated KBPS="256" // Rated downloading speed of connection, in kilobits per second
Multiplayer Enum Type="1" // where to look for servers: 0=LAN, 1=Internet
Net Flush Threshold="472" // threshold for auto-accumulation flush while building data chunks (default is standard MTU of 536, minus 64 bytes room for layer headers: 472)
Net Join Timeout="150.00000" // How long to wait (without a response) before a game join will be considered a failure
Gamelist AutoRefresh (LAN)="1" // if true, the gamelist will auto refresh on page activation if LAN refresh type is selected
Query Port Start="34297" // range is 1025 - 65535
Port Start="34397" // range is 1025 - 65535
Game List Sort Method="4" // 0=Sort by name, 1=Sort by ping, 2=Sort by circuit, 3=Sort by players
Allow Chat In Car="1" // whether to allow incoming chats to appear while in car
Autoscroll Chat="0" // whether to auto-scroll chatbox as new chats arrive
Colorcode Chat="1" // whether to color-code chats in the chatbox
Display Laggy Labels="0" // whether to display vehicle labels on vehicles with laggy connections
Delay Vehicle Graphics="1" // if true, delay loading vehicle graphics when clients join in order to reduce the pause
Temporary Vehicle Graphics="10" // number of vehicle graphical instances to load at init time for temporary use when clients join (if number is exceeded, quality will deteriorate)
Extrapolation Time="2.00000" // Extrapolation time (in seconds) before car disappears
Position Spring="16.00000" // Position spring at 1000ms latency (lower latencies have stronger springs, higher latencies have same springs)
Orientation Spring="28.00000" // Orientation spring at 1000ms latency
Damping Multiplier="1.00000" // 1.0 = critical damping, higher values are overdamped, lower values are underdamped and not recommended
Path Prediction="1.00000" // Influence of the AI path on remote vehicle prediction (0.0-1.0)
Remote Vehicle Collision="200.00000" // Maximum distance from current vehicle that we will run collision on remote vehicles to prevent them from appearing to go through walls
Concurrent Server Updates="400" // servers in join list, should be less for modem users, more for broadband (game now automatically finds more if (3 * download_kbps) exceeds this number)
Request Autodownloads="0" // Set to 1 if you want to automatically download files from a server you are joining, if you do not already have them.
Leave/Join Messages="3" // 0=none 1=in-car 2=monitor 3=both
Alternate Matchmaker Address="" // Address of the alternate ISI Matchmaking server
Matchmaker TCP Port="39001" // TCP port to use when communicating with the Matchmaking Server
Matchmaker UDP Port="39002" // UDP port to use when communicating with the Matchmaking Server
Default IP Address="" // IP to show as default in the Add Game menu
Enable Voice Chat="0" // Set to 1 if you want to turn on voice chat
Buddy List Announce="0" // whether to allow other players to see what game you are in
Auto Join Chat Server="1" // Whether to auto join to lobby chat during start up
Spectator Mode="0" // Join games in spectator mode (rather than with a separate vehicle)
Show Seating="0" // Show vehicle seating and status (driver/passenger/spectator) when vehicle labels are on
Lobby Chat Nickname="mike" // Nickname to use in Lobby Chat, if this is blank player name will be used
Live Updates="1" // whether to download news and UI elements on game load. (28.8s turn this off)
Auto Exit="0" // whether to automatically exit after leaving auto-hosted/auto-joined games
RaceCast Auto Login="1" // whether to auto login to RaceCast on startup

[ Multiplayer Server Options ]
Default Game Name="" // Name of last multiplayer game we hosted
Collision Fade Thresh="0.70000" // Collision impacts are reduced to zero at this latency
Post Results="0" // whether servers will post race results on the Internet
Announce Allowed="0" // servers should pass the firewall test before being allowed to list on the matchmaker
Announce Host="0" // whether servers will attempt to register with the matchmaking service
Closed MP Qualify Sessions="0" // if true, the session will be closed during qualify, so as to not disturb the participants
Spectators When Closed="0" // whether spectators are allowed to join closed sessions
Driver Swap Setups="1" // whether vehicle setup is transferred during driver swaps (except steering lock and brake pressure) ... note that UI garage is now loaded for vehicle when you become a passenger
Nagle Algorithm="0" // whether server's system messages are delayed for better packing (lower bandwidth, but some clients see unacceptable delays)
Dedicated Target Rate="250" // Target sampling rate for dedicated server (higher #s reduce latency slightly but increase CPU usage)
Loading Sleep Time="0" // Milliseconds that dedicated server sleeps between each instance while loading tracks and vehicles
Loading Priority="1" // Dedicated server's priority level when loading tracks and vehicles: 0=low, 1=normal, 2=high
Pause While Zero Players="1" // Whether to pause a dedicated server (and stay in practice session) if no human players are present
Report Mismatches="3" // server should report mismatches for: 0=physics/GDB/RFM only, 1=physics/GDB/RFM/EXE, 2=physics/GDB/RFM/track geometry, 3=everything
Mismatch Response="1" // how the server responds to mismatches: 0=does nothing, 1=kicks the mismatched client at the beginning of the Race session, 2=kicks client immediately, 3=kicks client from Qualifying or Race
Allowed Traction Control="3" // max level 0-3
Allowed Antilock Brakes="2" // max level 0-2
Allowed Stability Control="2" // max level 0-2
Allowed Auto Shift="3" // max level 0-3
Allowed Auto Clutch="1" // max level 0-1
Allowed Invulnerability="0" // max level 0-1
Allowed Opposite Lock="1" // max level 0-1
Allowed Steering Help="2" // max level 0-3
Allowed Brake Help="2" // max level 0-2
Allowed Spin Recovery="1" // max level 0-1
Allowed Auto Pit="1" // max level 0-1
Allowed Auto Lift="1" // max level 0-1
Allowed Auto Blip="1" // max level 0-1
Forced Driving View="0" // 0=no restrictions on driving view, 1=cockpit/tv cockpit/nosecam only, 2=cockpit/nosecam only, 3=cockpit only, 4=tracksides
Must Be Stopped="1" // Whether drivers must come to a complete stop before exiting back to the monitor
Allow AI Toggle="0" // Whether users are allowed to toggle to AI control on the fly
Allow Spectators="1" // Whether to allow spectator clients to join the server.
Allow Passengers="1" // Whether to allow spectators to join a car as a co-driver/passenger. If set to 1 and Allow Spectators is set to 0, spectators will be kicked from the game during the Race Session.
Allow Hotswaps="0" // 0=drivers can only change at pitstops using the pit menu, 1=Drivers can switch at anytime with the Driver Hotswap key
Allow Spectator Chat="1" // Whether to allow spectators to send chat messages
Allow Passenger Chat="1" // Whether to allow passengers to send chat messages
Max MP Players="16"
Max Data Per Client="9999" // if desired, a per-client upload limit (in kbps) will be used if lower than the computed throttle rate
Unique Vehicle Check="0" // server setting, will check client vehicles to deny duplicates of the same vehicle
Minimum AI="0" // server will ensure this number of AI, but only at the beginning of practice/qual sessions
Maximum AI="32" // prevent more than this # of AI (there may be other limits)
Vote Percentage Add AI="50" // must EXCEED this percentage to pass vote for adding AI (set to 100 to disable)
Vote Percentage Next Session="60" // must EXCEED this percentage to pass vote to advance to next session (set to 100 to disable)
Vote Percentage Other="70" // must EXCEED this percentage to pass vote for race restart, event restart, or load next race (set to 100 to disable)
Vote Min Voters="2" // minimum voters required to call vote (except for adding AIs)
Vote Max Race Restarts="1" // maximum race restarts called by vote
SuperAdminPassword="" // Chat "/admin <password>" to become super-admin. Super-admins are secret and can change the regular admin password with "/apwd <new_password>" (which also removes all current regular admin control).
Admin Password="" // Chat "/admin <password>" to become admin (make sure admin and super-admin passwords are different). Exit or chat "/admin" to become non-admin. One super-admin plus three regular admins are now allowed.
Admin Functionality="1" // 0 = non-admin's can NEVER call or vote, 1 = non-admin's can't call or vote if admin is present, 2 = non-admin's can call and vote, but admin's vote wins, 3 = if non-admin calls, all voting is normal, but any admin calls win instantly
Allow Any Event="1" // 0 = don't allow users to vote for specific tracks, 1 = allow users to vote for any track in server list, 2 = allow users to vote for any track, note that admins can do anything
Practice 1 Time="20" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of minutes for practice 1 (1-10 by 1, 15-90 by 5, 105-165 by 15)
Qualifying Time="10" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of minutes for qualifying (1-10 by 1, 15-90 by 5, 105-165 by 15)
Qualifying Laps="255" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of laps allowed in qualifying
Warmup Time="5" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of minutes for warmup (1-10 by 1, 15-90 by 5, 105-165 by 15)
Allow Hotlap Completion="16" // Allow hotlap completion before switching sessions (1=practice1 ... 16=qual, 32=warmup, 63=all)
Delay Between Sessions="30.00000" // Dedicated server delay before switching sessions automatically (after hotlaps are completed, if option is enabled), previously hardcoded to 45
Delay After Race="90.00000" // Dedicated server additional delay (added to "Delay Between Sessions" before loading next track
Server Session End Timeout="300" // Session is advanced automatically after N seconds after completion (non-dedicated server only)
Enable Autodownloads="0" // Whether to allow clients to autodownload files that they are missing.
Enable Voice Chat Server="0" // Whether to turn on the voice chat server.
Enable Voice Chat Echo="0" // Allow the voice chatters to hear themselves.
RC Rank Type="0" // Type of ranking used to allow people to join: 0=off, 1=overall, 2=series, 3=vehicle
RC Rank Minimum="0.00000" // Minimum normalized ranking (of given type) for people to join
RC Rank Maximum="1.00000" // Maximum normalized ranking (of given type) for people to join
Unthrottle Prefix="_" // Prefix of any clients to be unthrottled (use with caution!)
Unthrottle ID="-9999999" // Unique ID of client to be unthrottled (use with caution!)
Lessen Restrictions="0" // Allows careful users to test the limits
Join Password="" // Password for clients to join game
MOTD="" // Message of the day

I was reading that some People had problems with there multiplayer settings here is mine.
Gamelist AutoRefresh (LAN)="1" // if true, the gamelist will auto refresh on page activation if LAN refresh type is selected

this should be: Gamelist AutoRefresh (LAN)="0"
oh, be sure your windows firewall is opened.
start/settings/control panel/windows firewall...
and any other firewall you might use.

the refresh button is the GREEN not blue+
Last edited:
Ok tried both still nothing. Its got to be a problem or setting in my r factor. I have vhr-2011 edition r factor
that has a different thumbnail and that shows all the servers.
Also I just noticed the refresh button when i hit it does nothing it dont click or anything. It just lights up blue.
I switched the series to another. That one has a green refresh button. It said refresh multiplayer play list. I hit it still says no games available.
I switched the series to another. That one has a green refresh button. It said refresh multiplayer play list. I hit it still says no games available.

First open firewall take off rfactor.exe not allow it
Step 2 unplug Wifi wireless use a cable
Step 3 start rfactor when firewall ask to allow rfactor say yes

Join online
Now Can you see drivers in the lobby and chat with them ?
Can you see servers ?'

If not o yes ha ha it can be this problem
when start rfactor go to connect/settings
spectate OFF
refresh list type Internet ,, not Lan ;) when have Lan you not see s single server or drivers

must be set to INTERNET list type

when you are in lobby you have from left a green button that is refresh red button with x is nothing then a blu ebutton with a + on that is if you wana add a server ip that not show in the list some liga use that
Thanks for your help Tripp. I have done all this and still nothing. Like I said I have a vhr-2011 stock car racing that is under r factor with a different thumbnail and that works. I can connect with no problems. When I go back into reg r factor no matter what class I run the server shows no games.
