Server related question (lags...)


Since a while, I have some questions, but I couldn't fin a solution/answer for them. I hope you guy here can help me a bit.

1) Why many cars when driving on the server are floating and lagging around the track? Sometimes they even disappear for a short time. It looks just half as good when the cars are warping/floating/lagging around the track. Is there a way to avoid this?

2) When watching a saved replay from the cockpit view, why the steering wheel movement isn't that smooth as when I drove the car in "realtime"?

3) Is there a possibility to paste copied text into the rfactor chat-window?

Thanks a lot :D
1. Reduce the lag... better server, closer server, fewer drivers if the server is struggling to cope. Some mods show it worse than others, also the track can affect it. The AIW line is used to predict driver movement so if the AIW is badly broken the game could struggle to predict other cars and they'll warp into their actual position.

2. If you select the 'high player fidelity' option (in the PLR, I think) you'll get smoother wheel movement for your own car in your own replays. Remote cars are always a bit rough.

3. No :)
Since a while, I have some questions, but I couldn't fin a solution/answer for them. I hope you guy here can help me a bit.

1) Why many cars when driving on the server are floating and lagging around the track? Sometimes they even disappear for a short time. It looks just half as good when the cars are warping/floating/lagging around the track. Is there a way to avoid this?
"answer in rf 1 the server that behave as that is dedicated set to low upload to avoid that cars lagg and disaper is set dedicated max upload and download then the dedicated server get lowest % upload download as possible and no lag on server is the answer so set doanload upload to 8042 is the thing if you see lags in a server is it 100 % that server has ben set low 340 kb or something instead off 8042 that is max on rf1"

2) When watching a saved replay from the cockpit view, why the steering wheel movement isn't that smooth as when I drove the car in "realtime"? that is often happends if you have drive in a server that you get very high ping on over 300-400 then shall see your replay it is not only you that looks like that on replay all other cars also

3) Is there a possibility to paste copied text into the rfactor chat-window? "NO" only possible use that in a dedicated server

4) Best handling is to join a server that is host from your country then you get low ping no lag and bad stuff.. low ping means that you also can drive very tight near other cars and not crash/touch,,

Thanks a lot :D

OK i hope that info give you a answer
yes that way the server get lower % and works better not look how much your upload speed is it not matter to do so you set dedicated server to custom not dns and other things then you can drag up upload and download to 8042 then call your friends too join your server so you see ahat happends when your server get 10-20 drivers
