Setting number of Safety car Laps



i would like to know if there is a possibility to set the number of Laps the Safety Car stays on track.

For example:

After a Crash the Safety Car Comes out and stays only 2 Laps on track.

But i want it to stay 4 Laps on track.

I didn't find any Option in the Multiplayer.ini oder *.PLR files to set the number of laps the Safety Car stays on track.

Anyone an idea?
In rfm file:

// Minimum laps during a full-course yellow; default = 2, possible values are 1 (?) and up ... remember that it
// might be useful to override this one in some track GDBs.
MinimumYellowLaps = 4
There are a number adjustments you can make in the rfm file for the safety car.

// Pit speed limits in kilometers per hour for race and normal (all other sessions); default=80.0 kph (= 49.7 mph).
RacePitKPH = 80
NormalPitKPH = 80
FormationSpeedKPH = 90

// Safety car threshold multipliers, in other words an adjustment for the sensitivity of the game to calling
// full-course cautions. These can be different for road vs. oval courses. Lower numbers result in more
// full-course cautions; default=1.0, possible values are 0.01 (very sensitive) and up. Values more than
// 5.0 will probably result in no full-course cautions being called by the game (note that there are now
// multiplayer admin commands to call cautions).

// Whether full-course cautions may be called for a spin more than 90 degrees where the driver keeps going.
// These can be different for road vs. oval courses. Higher values will result in more full-course cautions
// due to these temporary spins; default=0.0, possible values are 0.0-2.0.

// Just a general tolerance for very momentary speeding (this value has no particular units); default=4.0,
// possible values are 0.0 (not recommended) and up.
PitSpeedingAllowance = 3.0

// Minimum laps during a full-course yellow; default = 2, possible values are 1 (?) and up ... remember that it
// might be useful to override this one in some track GDBs.
MinimumYellowLaps = 2

// Additional random yellow laps; default = 1, possible values are 0 and up.
RandomYellowLaps = 0

// Whether pits are closed during the first part of the full-course yellow; default=0, possible values 0 or 1.
ClosePits = 1

// How many laps the pits remain closed during the first part of the full-course yellow; default=1, possible
// values are 1 and up (probably needs to be less than MinimumYellowLaps, though) ... again, it might be useful
// to override this one in some track GDBs.
PitsClosedLaps = 1

// This is the threshold for the number of yellow flag laps to determine whether the lead-lappers get to
// pit before everyone else. Only valid if ClosePits is enabled; default=2, possible values are 0 (never
// let leaders pit first) and up.
LeadYellowLaps = 2

// Whether order of vehicles is frozen when the full-course yellow is first shown. If necessary, server will
// correct the order as people cross the start/finish line; default=0, possible values 0 or 1.
FreezeOrder = 1

// Behavior if full-course yellow is active at the end of a race; default=0, possible values are
// 0=race finishes normally, 1=finish will be delayed one time only and will allow one lap after the green flag,
// 2=finish will be delayed one time only and will allow two laps after the green flag, 3=finish can be delayed
// multiple times, with only one lap allowed after the green flag (not sure this option works as expected),
// 4=finish can be delayed multiple times, with two laps needed after the green flag. Note that a full-course
// yellow called on the very last lap will NOT currently delay the finish. Also note that this feature does
// not work for timed races.
FinishUnderCaution = 1

// Whether caution laps are counted towards the total number of laps; default=0, possible values 0 or 1.
CountCautionLaps = 1

We use safety cars a lot. There are a few things I've found makes the whole experience run smoother. Firstly I enable closed pits for the first safety car lap. This allows the game more time to sort the positions before people start ducking into the pits. Secondly I enable Freeze Order. This freezes the order at the time of the incident and means if there is any overtaking done between the time of the incident and crossing the start/finish (when the game starts telling people which car they should be behind) the game will re-sort the positions so there is no advantage (passing under yellow).

Also the formation speed can be set to suit the track (nothing quite as boring as following a safety car at 80km/h around Le Mans for 3 laps. Also if the safety car is quite fast on tracks with tight sections and long straights drivers can get sent to the back of the field for driving too slow if the safety car is on a straight at (for example) 100km/h and a driver trying to catch the bunch is going round a tight corner at 50km/h.

You can also set the sensitivity to cause more or less safety cars. I've found around 0.7 works well.

Also if you make a copy of the original rfm and do the changes to the copy and then rename the rfm file and alter the mod name line as below (I just add the name of our league to the original mod name) it will just create a new series within the game leaving the original rfm there as well. People will still be able to join another server with the original rfm. If you don't do this, because every driver must have the modified rfm they will get a mismatch if they try and join a server running the standard rfm

Hope this helps


// Game/Season Info:
Mod Name = ORA_Porsche Mobil1 Supercup 2007
There are a number adjustments you can make....
Hope this helps


// Game/Season Info:
Mod Name = ORA_Porsche Mobil1 Supercup 2007

Thank you too Blaktop,

most of the settings that are possible in rFactor i know.
But sometimes you can't find some special settings into the standard *.rfm, *.gdb, *.PLR.....-files.

And it's a lot of work to search all files from the mods that have been created by modders ...

Some time ago i had a harddrive-crash and lost a lot of informations and weblinks from helpful sites.

And sometimes i miss them a lot :D, especially because most of them seem to be offline now.
