Shift indication led, possible to change the behavior of it ?



im totally new here, but i hope it isnt wrong if ill ask my question here,

i have no idea how to mod anything. what i do is i like to race with F1 mods,
im getting an SLI-Pro soon to mod my steering wheel, but what ive checked is, the LED behavior. when ur racing the f1 mod or i think any kind of mod, the shift indication starts at green with 4 leds both at the same time, at arround hmm maby 50% rpm, and i quess 75% red and 100% blue right ?

for example

as you can see here, 4 green light up at the same time, same as the 5 red LEDs and the 4 blue LED's,

(im not even sure as the lights indicate the shifting moment but they seem to work more as an RPM indication, but i can be wrong.

i was or Hoping that there was something on the internet or some one could tell me how i could mod this into an more F1 kinda Shift indication ish. For Example, this is an SLI-pro with F1 2010 or 11 From Codemasters
and this is how i sort of want to have it in Rfactor on the SLI-Pro, wich looks like pretty much the same as in F1-2010/11

just to restate. im not owning an SLI-pro, but seeing so much video's of Rfactor with SLI-pro on youtube, all having the same 4 led's togeter lighting up with all kinds of mods, i started to feel its with rfactor and maby some one could help me out.

i hope u guys dont think this is an stupid awnser, i just want to make F1 simming more realistic on Rfactor.

thank you
