Shiny Black Cars?


I installed a mod call the "Gridmod" which looks like the most amazing le mans prototypes and gt cars mod ever made. It has every ALMS, ILMS, ELMS, Asian-LMS, LM 24, and FIA GT 1 & 2 car all the way back from 2006-2010. It is a gigantic mod that fits me perfectly because i like le mann series mods best. But anyway, there is some kind of glitch i have. Every car is a shiny black chrome color except for one, and the only one that isn't black and shiny is the only one i can drive. If i try to drive any other car or race with any other car the game gets tons of errors and then crashes. I think i might of downloaded the wrong thing though because there is like....7 links that say part 1-5 on the page i got it from,( but i think they're all the same. I has hoping i could re-install the mod but it doesn't have and uninstall.exe and i can't find any files for any of the cars in the GameData folder.....HELP PLEASE I REALLY WANT TO PLAY THIS MOD!!!
This mod is all messed up mate!!!! Bugs everywhere and CDT´s all over the place!!! Physics are copy paste from Endurance Series by Enduracers, sooooooo if you want a nice mod for this kind of racing download the best one "Endurance Series"!

You can also DL the Endurance Series Addon 2.1 whish is nice and without major bugs.....
Cool i didn't know they had an add-on ,but i'd still like to play this mod so do you know of anyway to fix it or know anywhere i could get some help with it? I'v looked around the net and havn't found anything about the shiny black cars
This mod is all messed up mate!!!! Bugs everywhere and CDT´s all over the place!!! Physics are copy paste from Endurance Series by Enduracers, sooooooo if you want a nice mod for this kind of racing download the best one "Endurance Series"!

You can also DL the Endurance Series Addon 2.1 whish is nice and without major bugs.....
It´s an unofficial addon, Enduracers didn´t do it!!!
