Show TC, ABS of car in menu


Is it possible to add the information into the menu that shows if the cars has TC and/or ABS? So you could see it if you choose a car.
My thought was to add a string into the vehicle.uit, but is there a command that can read out TC and ABS from the .hdv file?
Is there a list with all possible commands to use in the .uit files?

How to remove objects from the mirrors in the car? Mostly I can see my own steering wheel in the mirrors.

Thanks for all ;)
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I am not sure. try this.
First you need to make a description in a .veh file. like driver(name) or manufacture asf....
example call it TC-ABS= ????
than you need the data from the .hdv to put in there for ech vehicle. If you mod use different vehicles...
In the UI.OSC of the Mod you need to change or make new entries, where you tell rfactor to display them in Mainmenu or the smaller "Spinner" showroom screen.
You need new created .uit in you MOD UIData Folder, example TC-ABS.uit, inside you write <TC-ABS> .
The right positions to display the informations on screen must be made in the UI.OSC

When this not work,you can alternative try to change some of the not needed informations in a .veh file like engine=
write behind the engine=your TC and ABS informations from the .hdv`s.
then write in the new TC-ABS.uit <engine>.
Make the right positions to display on screen in Ui.OSC. ready.
This can change your online play,so pls try at your own risk.

open your .plr look for the point "Self In Cockpit Rearview" change the values.
Thanks for your reply :)

"Self in cockpit rearview" is already set to 0, tag "show in rearmirror" is disabled in 3dsimed, but I still cann se the steeringwheel in the mirror. I don't know what to do now...
