sidemirrors show forward


Strange thing. In IMT F1 2011 Ferrari (Alonso + Massa) cockpit view the side mirrors show a view towards the front not the back. Adjusting the mirrors doesn't work properly, only tilts in and outward to a certain degree and no tilt up and down but zoom in and out. The view still shows to the front which includes some street car wheels and parts of suspension. In a different in-car view (slightly above driver looking ahead) the side mirrors show the right view - towards the rear!!!
Other cars of this mod and all other mods are working perfectly fine.
I like to use side mirrors (not virtual mirrors) - keeps the "experience" right.
So here is the question: Has anyone experienced something similar and knows what to do? Or, where are the mirrors defined that tell rfactor what view to show in the side mirrors of each car?
I installed that mod on a fresh installation of rfactor so only this mod and the cars that come with rfactor are included.

re: forward facing mirrors

Right click and open your PLR file with notepad.

C:\Program Files\rFactor\UserData\John\John.PLR

Scroll down (or edit/find) and change following line:


Moving Rearview="3"


Moving Rearview="0"

Then simply click "file" and "save".
