SimRacingPL Shader Pack - discussion

K Szczech

If you have any questions or comments on Shader Pack, you can post them here.
It's also a place to post permission requests for modders.

If you're interested in using these shaders in your mod, request a permission here.
You should provide information about the mod - especially about who made all the content.

Hello, first of all i want to say - that finally we get it) Sometimes i was affraid that this never gonna be released... but it's here and thank to all of developers of it...)

and offcourse i want get permission to use this shaders in my track (project touge) and in car models i making for D1GP All Stars mod.

Thank you!
Since track is your own project, permission is granted.

As for cars you didn't provide necessary information about this mod. If you're making your own car models for it, then you have permission, too. Otherwise you should tell more about it.

i making cars from scratch in 3dsmax for it, it's not conversion or something. thank you! ;)

I've been reading the manual and it's clear you put a lot of time and effort developing that. So kudos for improving rF! :)

Kindest regards
The irony with this is thick. First you release a rip-off of my team's work with no permission that will cause on-line mismatches and is being distributed at various websites. Now you demand permission from people to use this with conditions.

Where were your ethics when you released your rip-off ?

Maybe irony is not the appropriate word. Hypocrisy seems closer and I think it stinks.

The unfortunate thing is there could have been a possiblity of collaboration had this been approached in an honest and legitimate manner but it wasn't.
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Hi Vince,
This is unfortunately called "plagia" and I strongly defend your cause! It's a pitty!:(
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I think 'rip-off' and 'plagia' are a bit too strong words. I didn't even touch the loading screen, so everybody knew who's that track was.
It was nothing but an update, but unfortunately caused trouble that were not my intention. I removed the link as soon as I could. I apologise again for the trouble.

I just thought I'd share that update so people may take a look at it.
But you're absolutely right - I shouldn't share it and it was naive of me to think that things won't get out of control so quickly.
I think 'rip-off' and 'plagia' are a bit too strong words.

I don't think those words are too strong at all. They accurately describe what went on here.

I don't think you understand a couple of things. This sim racing community has been around for a very very long time with a lot of mutual respect for each others work. It has always been an unspoken code that if any modified version of any mod were to be released, permission must first be granted from the original author. Not taking the time to contact said author and releasing it anyway is, in my opinion, gross negligence and uncalled for.

You say that the links have been removed now, but I'm afraid that the damage has already been done as some people have already downloaded it. I would just like to say that if you would like to continue to be a part of this community, I think it would be wise to start contacting mod authors before you release any other modified content. Or, create your own content and release under your own name. That's all I have to say.
Again flame war about legality of modding mods. This is not true you are talking about mods, and unspoken code. But again, even if I cannot see any "damage" you are talking about, Krzysztof apologies for this twice. I think it is enough and means he feels guilty. If you want to start some kind of holly war, use PM, emails, or at least create new thread. it is not place for that. thank you
even if I cannot see any "damage" you are talking about
People are now using my update online in place of official version, therefore causing mismatches.
If you're relaseing a mod for free, all you get is satisfaction and that satisfaction is now lesser when people are confused. I'd call that damage.

Anyway, I'll try to reverse the situation as best as I can with guys from Virtua_LM (hopefully they didn't put a cross on me yet).

hi i'm a track modder (

Can I test your shaders? please send me links for download. thks.
Hi, permission granted of course :) Download links are in announcements thread: LINK
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I think guys from VLM should be happy that you show how your shaders work on they track.

VLM track + your shaders = amazing track.

Guys, you should work together on new tracks :)
That's so predictable: when people starts to be egocentric and creates "copyright material" based on an open plataform, the end is always the same: flame war for their "rights" LOL

If you are creating material using a copyright basis (Gmotor2) and don't pay for it, you're not allowed to complain. The copyright simply don't exist, at least you PAY to ISI and then use their engine to produce copyright material. For instance - the Reiza's GSC or Simbin GTR2.

It's funny see "teams" fighting for "copyrights" about things which don't have copyrights at all.
I think it would be wise to start contacting mod authors before you release any other modified content. Or, create your own content and release under your own name.

My opinion exactly !
You're wrong. If you make a mod, it's your intellectual property.

Anyway, let's not make a mess of another thread for this kind of discussion - let's stick to Shader Pack discussion here.
Hi i testing water material in my projects, all is fine! exported gmt and put in scene.

But in game the water do'nt move. No wave effect! i miss something??


Do you know how to add SRPL shader and motion blur of wheels on my mod(still working on it)?
But in game the water do'nt move. No wave effect! i miss something??

I can see waves.. so there is wave effect in place :) But if it doesn't move... be sure you are looking on this while replay is not stopped. The time cannot be stopped.
Plz come back if it still doesn't work.

Do you know how to add SRPL shader and motion blur of wheels on my mod(still working on it)?

It should work. Prepare motion blur as usually, for example using 3dsimed. Then process it with the MaterialEditor. Please note, that gmt objects is being loaded only while project is loading (or while adding gmt to the project). If you change source gmt while object is already loaded into editor, it will not be able to export updated version of gmt. In that case: save project, leave editor, load project again. Probably reloading project should work also. However... I;m not sure it is enough though if you have already created material in Editor based on the no-anim matrial version. Krzysztof will know it better. You always may try to delete material and re-create it again (in Editor).
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But in game the water do'nt move. No wave effect! i miss something??
Both sky and water animation is controlled by sun movement in rFactor. So if you're in pause mode, then animation will stop.
And I'm assuming you have Shader Pack installed in rFactor :)

By the way - water in that screenshot looks a bit odd - I see no transparency near the camera. Perhaps you have modified this GMT file with some other tools after export?
Remember that other tools are unaware of modifications necessary in GMT files for my shaders to work, so you should not edit GMT files exported from my material tool. You can of course edit source GMT files that my tool reads, but not exported files.

Do you know how to add SRPL shader and motion blur of wheels on my mod(still working on it)?
I have no animation support in editor yet. You need to put animation in the GMT file yourself and then only add shaders with editor. Animation should be preserved from original GMT file after you export it.
Hovewer I just figured that if will not work in some cases - I'll fix that in next release (should be soon enough).
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The water works.
the problem was that I use gmotor2 viewer, and has no time.

also did a test for a glass building, works very well but I put in a gray color in an alpha channel, so that the transparency of the glass was not much.

Thanks, my next test is vegetation.
The Grass capture and grass generator works? I see no reference in the help.

thanks again for this great tool
also did a test for a glass building, works very well but I put in a gray color in an alpha channel, so that the transparency of the glass was not much.
Yeah, you can use "glass on top" mode to put semi-transparent layer under glass. You can make dark windows with it.
Or you could just increase the fresnel parameters to create different function of reflectivity.

The Grass capture and grass generator works? I see no reference in the help.
Well it works, but it will be modified into something more usefull - then I'll write reference.
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Water & glass test



appreciate any suggestions for improvement.

"if we share, yes we can" :)
I see water pops on top of vegetation. I guess I shoudn't put the "glass" flag in water material.

You can look into "definitions" folder in editor. There's a file called waterMaterial.XML there.
It begins with:
Change FLAGS to 68900023, then export water again.

I'll do something about it before v0.8 release.
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I see water pops on front of vegetation. I guess I shoudn't put the "glass" flag in water material.

You can look into "definitions" folder in editor. There's a file called waterMaterial.XML there.
It begins with:
Change FLAGS to 68900023, then export water again.

I'll do something about it before v0.8 release.

so the vegetation comes forward? i will try thks

I make test of FLAGS:
only Glass = 68910003; Glass+Blend = 68910023; Only Blend = 68900023:
You think you're wrong on the number. right?

The Option "No Z buffer" can solve the Alpha channel bug in rfactor?
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I think "glass" is not a good name for this flag. I've seen it also called "postshadow" which would be better I think.
It means that object will be rendered later, after everything else has been rendered. That usually means it will pop in fron of all things that use blending or "no z buffer" flag.

As for "no z buffer" flag it also goes by the name "no clip". It means that this object will not leave his mark in GPU's Z buffer when rendered, so other objects rendered later will pop in front of it. It's rarely used.
"glass" flag works

The "Glass" flag works in water material, now vegetation is above the water.
The number is 68910003. (only Glass flag)

In night time, the glass building texture is always light! why? the water is well


My Glass options.

Hello. Can anybody post here example of settings for car paint please? I've spent a lot of tame tweaking it, but still cant make realistic looks
That's not really nighttime - looks more like sunset to me :)

What you're seeing is overbrighted cubemap or perhaps even specular reflection of the sun (I'm getting the impression that this screen was taken looking against the sun).

Ability to get overbright is intended. Of course everyone can control it with fresnel parameters and specular maps and that's what you need to do now. Everything is controllable from editor so refer to manual and play with parameters and textures.

In my opinion a little overbright is not a bad thing at all. Sometimes it's the only way to represent strong reflections - especially when looking against sun during sunset.


If your screen is really taken against sun during sunset, then it's also the sky in the background that's too dark and that makes the mismatch even bigger.
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Hello. Can anybody post here example of settings for car paint please? I've spent a lot of tame tweaking it, but still cant make realistic looks

First of all you have to find some base specular color of specular map. Result depends on that.
I'm using one with color about 204,204,204 (clear color without occlusion imitation). So values bellow should be good for such one. If you your specular map has different values you will get diferent results than me. You will have to change values listed below to match spec map.

Fresnel base 0.12 - more means more like mirror/chrome looking directly over material
Fresnel scale 0.6 - how much cube will be ADDED to reflection when looking in 90* angle - in common cases: how much sky is reflected from car's roof when you stay in front of car and looking on this.
Fresnel power 4.0 - default value. Lower values for more chrome materials (1.0 for mirror/chrome). Higher for matte ones. But this may not be always a rule

Specular scale 1: 2/24 - light from the sky brightened by sun or light dispersion in material. very soft reflection
Specular scale 2: 20/1000 - sharp sun reflection

Env Map: - sharpest cube map.

It was my settings for cars I worked currently on. Of course settings may vary in relation to used specular map, env map or personal taste. It may be also very subjective and not always match environment created by track creators. Test it on good/realistic looking tracks.
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That's not really nighttime - looks more like sunset to me :)

What you're seeing is overbrighted cubemap or perhaps even specular reflection of the sun (I'm getting the impression that this screen was taken looking against the sun).

Ability to get overbright is intended. Of course everyone can control it with fresnel parameters and specular maps and that's what you need to do now. Everything is controllable from editor so refer to manual and play with parameters and textures.

In my opinion a little overbright is not a bad thing at all. Sometimes it's the only way to represent strong reflections - especially when looking against sun during sunset.


If your screen is really taken against sun during sunset, then it's also the sky in the background that's too dark and that makes the mismatch even bigger.

i'v also tried at night and the building shines like day. thanks again, i must play more with parameters.
Hi again. Is it possible to make glass reflection look something like that ?
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Hmm. To be honest I never seen such looking glass on headlights... Looks like some kind of light refraction.
You may use 'direct' method of blending. But it is not intended to be used for glass.
"Glass" on that GT headlight is more or less being altered by the filter on the camera used to take the photo. If I had to, I'd guess it was a polarizing filter.
I finally found my way to this post. Is it ok for me to use your shaders (moving clouds and water) on my tracks ? (scratch made, updates with permissions, working at times with Team Players).

My portfolio -
