Some Maxscripts

Nice, thanks again for sharing. This is something that I always have to do manually and then I'm left with tri's all over the place :D

There is something I have been meaning to ask for. I have tried to look into it myself but I had no luck, maybe you might be interested.
It's a memory and memory recall thing, like on a calculator. A lot of times I'd be selecting a heap of verts/faces/edges to do something like say, change the material, but as I am going through my selection I notice something that needs fixing. In some cases like, selecting faces to separate the terrain to smaller objects I notice some poly's that need elements separated, which means I have to deselect all the faces I have just selected, select the ones I want to detach, the reselect all the faces again. If there was a way to remember what is selected, then recall it, it would make this job easier. Something like this in UVW Unwrap would be very handy too.

I don't think it would be too hard to make, much like a lot of your scripts they need to remember what is selected, like move to spline remembers the verts needed to be moved. If you ever have the urge to make a script like this it would be really good :D, or if you want to advise me on what commands I'd need to remember selection then recall selection, I could give it a go myself. :cool:
Should be quite easy to write one to do that, just save the selection to a variable then restore it on second button press.
