Some Physic/AI Questions


Hey there.

I'm racing the old A1GP mod Physik, but i really want to change some annoying things. I'm a totally physics noob so maybe i can get some answers here:

-The AI is so much faster in middle fast corners. How is this possible when they use the esactly same standard setup as me? And how can i change this? It seems that they use a completly different physic.

-I cant feel any difference on off, middle or full Stability aids. Where can i change this? The care feels to safe to me.

-Tire wear is off but during the race the AI gets faster and faster. Me too because the Fuel gets less but they are getting much more faster then me. How is THIS possible and HOW can i change it?

You see, to drive full races with this Ai is pretty uncool because i have the feeling they use a completely different physic.

Thanks in advance!
The AI does use a different set of physics, simplified so that the cpu load is reduced.
Look for specific AI parameters in the HDV, adjust as necessary.
AIAimSpeedsPerWP=(50.0, 105.0, 135.0, 165.0, 185.0, 235.0, 255.0, 275.0) // speeds at which to look ahead X waypoints (spaced roughly 5 meters apart)
AISlipReaction=(376.5, 33.4) // prediction factor for front wheel grip loss (higher numbers increase sensitivity), how quickly AI increase throttle after grip loss has occurred (higher numbers reduce "coasting")
AICornerReductionBase=300.0 // (pointspeed/this number)= % deceleration we can expect through a point
AIMinPassesPerTick=3 // minimum passes per tick (can use more accurate spring/damper/torque values, but takes more CPU)
AIRotationThreshold=0.069 // rotation threshold (rads/sec) to temporarily increment passes per tick
AIEvenSuspension=0.0 // averages out spring and damper rates to improve stability (0.0 - 1.0)
AISpringRate=1.0 // spring rate adjustment for AI physics
AIDamperSlow=0.55 // contribution of average slow damper into simple AI damper
AIDamperFast=0.45 // contribution of average fast damper into simple AI damper
AIDownforceZArm=-0.07 // hard-coded center-of-pressure offset from vehicle CG
AIDownforceBias=0.0 // bias between setup and hard-coded value (0.0-1.0)
AITorqueStab=(0.85, 0.85, 0.82) // torque adjustment to keep AI stable
AIFuelMult=-1.0 // PLR file override for AI fuel usage - only positive value will override, see PLR for default
AIPerfUsage=(0.990, 0.960, 0.930) // PLR file overrides for (brake power usage, brake grip usage, corner grip usage) used by AI to estimate performance - only positive values will override, see PLR for defaults
AITableParams=(-1.0, -1.0) // PLR file overrides for (max load, min radius) used when computing performance estimate tables - only positive values will override, see PLR for defaults

Which settings would you change with my problems?
This is what passes as 'help' here...

Good luck olo88man! If you find out how to do it and want to share, please let me know.
For the AI physics to be calculated more accurately increase AIMinPassesPerTick=
However I don't think this is the cause of your problem. The simpliest way is to reduce AI strength in the game. You can also adjust their speed by editing the following values in [track_name].aiw file of the track:
From what you have described it seems like AIs have too much grip. You can check in the [tire_name].tbc file lines AIGripMult= and reduce those values.
