Start Stream ...End Steam ?


I'm trying to get the output of my DLL is small as I can, so I've turned off everything I don't think I need. Commented them out so they wouldn't add to the txt files.

In the UpdateScoring section is the code about starting the stream ...

 fprintf( fo, "START STREAM\n" );
    const char *ptr = info.mResultsStream;
    while( *ptr != NULL )
      fputc( *ptr++, fo );
    fprintf( fo, "END STREAM\n" );

I know that this outputs characters from mResultsStream to the file that "fo" points to until it hits a null. I'm just not sure what it puts out. My text file just has the words START STREAM and END STREAM right after each other, over and over. What would I break if I commented this part out ?
That's supposed to ouput the same stuff you'd see in the results.xml files - so incidents, chat (?), timing events, that sort of thing. Unless you're looking for that info (doubt it) just take it out.
Cool. We use the XML feeds, but we don't need another set of data for that.

I am working on a plugin that supports mResultsStream and I was getting output on my dev machine but not on my race rig. I messed around for almost an hour and finally determined that it would output mResultsStream if I disabled all my other plugins. Then I got to thinking, what if I rename my DLL to go to the top of the list alphabetically. I thought maybe it would load first and get access to mResultsStream before other plugins. Sure enough that did the trick. I have all my plugins re-enabled and mResultsStream and my plugin still has access to mResultsStream.
I messed around for almost an hour and finally determined that it would output mResultsStream if I disabled all my other plugins.

I'm sure it is stated somewhere in sources: this stream is available only for one plugin.
I'm sure it is stated somewhere in sources: this stream is available only for one plugin.

You're probably right but I thought it was interesting that the plugins load in alpha order so you can make sure the plugin you want gets the stream.
yes it is.
btw I did simmilar tests once, without positive results. maybe coincidence. to me it was looking like reading dlls in order given by filesystem.
