Steering Lock and Wheel Rotation Survey


Just wondering what wheel rotation everyone uses for racing. ie (270, 320, 360, 540, 720, 900)

And with that what do you like to set your Steering Lock to on most mods. ie (15 degrees, 20, 25, 40)

I have decided to always drive with 720 rotation and if the mod allows (and most do) 25 Degrees of steering lock.

I will edit this saying that during an actual race at race speeds I never really use more then ~400 degrees of my steering lock. Leaving 320 (160 degrees) in each direction for emergency use. Just think of it as driving a real car and using a full lock. It most likely would only happen when your parking or making a full stop U-Turn.
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For modern cars, 400 and 22. Old cars, 900 and around 30 if possible.
If I can find the real-world lock-to-lock of the car in question I use that rotation, and then use the formula that was recently posted in another thread to get an appropriate in-game steering lock setting.
At the moment I use 270 but I'd really like to use real world lock2lock.
Steering lock in game depends which mod and which track.
I try to leave mine at 900deg and adjust the lock in the setup to match the real life car. If the setup doesn't allow a high enough lock value to simulate the real car I will lower my wheel lock. I do it this way so I don't have to go into the G27 control panel all the time. TechAde was going to update his RealFeel plugin to dynamically change the wheel lock on Logi wheels depending on the car you select but he seems to have abandoned the project. RealLife (TM) I guess. :)
In logitech profiler my wheel is set to 130deg, which is fast but I don't like to move my hands a lot. For in game wheel lock I set it through motec. I try to make it where I don't use over 90% steering on a regular basis a the specific track.
How do you change steering lock in rFactor 2007

I am using rFactor 2007 and I thought I remember seeing the slider for changing steering lock, but I cannot find it anymore. Any advice?
Using a realistic ratio only makes sense when the tires of the mod respond to slip angle in a decent way, a factor easily forgotten! :)
I leave G25 @800 deg. Then I play with the Steering Lock depending on the type of car. It's about 20 for road cars, 22-23 fr GT cars depending on the circuit, about 25 for prototypes, haven't raced openwheelers in awhile, I guess it'd be a bit more.
I use 360 degrees on my wheel and have steering lock at anywhere between 15-20.
I will update. I now have it set to 880° and use 25° of steering lock on all vehicles if possible. That 10° each way keeps me from hitting the hard stops of the wheels internals.
I'm in 320° and around 13 for the steering lock (depends of the car).
He is using Steer Ratio Speed... which is far from 'get real', but looks like some simracers doesn't care.

I'm using 720* and SL between 24* and 30*
300 on DFP wheel & 16 for the steering lock in meganes. Speed sensitivity 0
Actually, the ratio is not that bad (slightly more sensitive than what you get in BMW M3, which has 12.5:1) and of course, that also depends on what Niels said (definatelly, in Endurance Series you would like to have sensitive ratio!).
What I'm curious about, is why he use such low steer lock, when he have 900* wheel.... why not go for something like 540/22.0? Same ratio as for 320/13 but at least can do tighter turns in pit area and after spin etc.
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It's unreal. Even for F1.

What are the couple of degrees/ratio logicically ? Because I don't understand what you mean by unreal?
I'm open to test what it's realistic but, how to fix a realistic value? Depends on the cars?
I've had a G25 since 2007. I've tried 200*, 270*, 300*, 360*, 450*, 540*,630*, 720*, 810*, & 900*.
Basically I've learned if you've got 900* of steering rotation; use it! For me it, is the most accurate & natural feeling steering.

For 900* of wheel rotation I use 28* of steering lock for GT cars, lots more for Prototype & Formula cars.

For 720* of rotation I use 23* of lock

and for 540* I use 18*

I no longer use any other setting.
I have a Red Momo, which is notorious for having a very limited range. I will be getting a Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2 (if they ever start making some new ones and send it to me), which has a much larger lock range. In league races I feel like in tight corners I am losing a lot of time to the other guys with presumably newer wheels-could I/am I?
I have a Red Momo, which is notorious for having a very limited range. I will be getting a Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2 (if they ever start making some new ones and send it to me), which has a much larger lock range. In league races I feel like in tight corners I am losing a lot of time to the other guys with presumably newer wheels-could I/am I?

Generally losing time means not getting on the power as early or as much as the faster drivers. One of the keys to getting power down is having the wheel straight enough, and higher 'resolution' (through having more wheel rotation) can help you finetune your steering wheel placement as you apply power. Perhaps of more importance is the throttle pedal - if you have the standard MOMO pedals you will definitely improve with a more precise and longer-travel pedal.

When I was using a black MOMO I saw a fast driver in rFactor say they used a G25 with 450° rotation, so I did some testing and worked out if I set my steering axis sensitivity to 20% (going back 3 years, but I think that's right) it would give me the same steering rate around centre. It took at least a week to adjust, but I felt it helped a lot with corner exits. Then when I finally got a G25 I plugged it in, set it to 450°, put the axis sensitivity back to 50% and it felt exactly the same around centre - but it took another week to adjust in the tighter corners, because I obviously had to turn the wheel more :)

In the end people get used to what they're using anyway... often see people suggest increasing rotation, or decreasing the setup steering lock, to reduce 'scrub' in corners... and while that will help for a bit, the problem was turning more than necessary in the first place, and once you adjust to the new lock you'll probably start doing it again. Personally though, I like having higher rotation, because it gives me a physically larger area to aim for out of corners and doesn't require absolutely precise input. If you imagine for a particular amount of throttle there's a limit to how much steering input you can apply, a red MOMO might give you 20° around centre that you have to get the wheel to; a G25/27/whatever with more rotation might give you 50° or 60°.

I constantly find there are two keys to going fast(er), and you need to be continually revisiting them as you drive:

1. Brake early enough (if you think you are... brake earlier)
2. Turn only as much as you need to (if you think you are... turn less)

