Strange issue with userdata folder on Windows XP


I noticed that rFactor creates userdata folder in 'My documents' instead of game dir when I run the game on restricted account in Windows XP. I need to run exe/shortcut as admin or log in to my admin account to change this. But is there any other workaround so I could play the game when logged in as normal user?
Maybe i understood something wrong but...

did you try copying the UserData-folder from "My Documents"-folder into gamefolder?
I didn't try it but I'm guessing it won't help. As soon as I delete 'rFactor' folder from 'My documents' and fire the game, the video setup screen pops up first and then I need to create my profile again. It works as it should be only when I'm logged in to me admin account.
I have no idea how would I do that but actually it's not a big problem. It's just strange that nobody posted about it before. Looks like most of people uses admin accounts for their daily works with PC - which is a very bad thing to do. Also I'm surprised that such a issue came out of 2006(?) game - I had similar problems with games from the 90's (pre Windows XP era) but never with the newer ones.
If you dont disable UAC all your rfactor information (userdata) will be saved in documents folder.
You need to disable UAC to prevent that.
Also the replays will not be saved if you have UAC on.

PS- Dont know if running rfactor.exe as admin will work same way as disabling UAC since i allways have UAC off, just try. Dont even know if XP works same way.
As i refered, "Dont even know if XP works same way.". Never used RF in XP.

Even if it dont have uac it works the same way, if you´re not using the admin account all your rfactor stuff goes to documents folder. If rfactor.exe dont have the admin rights it will not save "his stuff" into program files.

You can try opening config.ini and change the path where Userdata stuff is saved.
Look for:
And place the correct path you want, probably in Documents folder or wherever you want it. It could do the trick.
Config.ini is OK - I already checked it. But rFactor ignores it somehow when fired up by normal user:/
I noticed that rFactor creates userdata folder in 'My documents' instead of game dir when I run the game on restricted account in Windows XP. I need to run exe/shortcut as admin or log in to my admin account to change this. But is there any other workaround so I could play the game when logged in as normal user?

Don't install the game into Program Files and your UAC problems should disappear.

If you ever go to rF2 you'll notice that by default it installs the core parts of the game into Program Files and the data parts into your documents, where stuff like cars/tracks/replays/setups/skins etc. will go. Some people manage to install everything into Program Files and wonder why they get UAC problems*.

* As I understand it a default XP install gives you admin rights, you have to create a restricted account if you want one, whereas W7 (W8 too I assume) the default is a restricted account.
I never install games in 'Program Files' folder. And rFactor is installed on 'D:\games\rfactor'. As for XP - yes, you are correct. By default you have admin account and you need to create a new, restricted one for your own good and safety;)
