Strange missmatch on Dedicated Server


I made a new mod for RF1, including circuits adapted to the plugin RFE Series. I uploaded all files on a dedicated server and when I enter the server the problem is that of the 21 circuits loaded, only work 4. And for all other I get the message "Invalid terrain.tdf." I stopped the server and reloaded tdf files several times, but nothing change.
I did a accurate check and all files on the server are perfectly identical to those on my pc. The error therefore has no logical explanation.

Has anyone ever had a similar problem? If yes how you solved?
Thanks in advance.
All tdf file of single circuit have same name. I try to rename with diffrent names and work.
Try deleting the *.HAT files. They are located in UserData\LOG\HAT\*.hat.

Basically when you first load a track it reads the TDF file and builds a cache file with the same name as the track but with a .hat extension. If you modify the TDF on the server and a client tries to join the server with a hat created before the modification the client will get the TDF mismatch.... even if he has the updated tdf file. The only way to regenerate the hat is to delete the old hat. It is safe to totally clear out the HAT folder from time to time. They automatically regenerate as you load the tracks again.
You just worked around the hat problem by changing the name of the track so it was forced to generate a new hat file. Just store this hat info away in your head for next time the problem arises.
