Strange stuttering, unlike normal stuttering, please help.


I recently bought rFactor, and I'm having a strange stuttering problem. When I run rFactor with 1 screen, I can run it maxed. With 3 screens, I can run it maxed, and it runs smoothly, except every half second there is a short stutter, or pause. It's not random, it's at an exact interval, like it's on a metronome. Between the stutter, everything is smooth, but then the pause. It makes it impossible to race. It happens online or offline. I've tried every fix I could find, but I haven't seen a problem exactly like this anywhere on the internet. I'm familiar with normal stuttering, when a system gets truly over-taxed, but my system should be able to handle rFactor fine. I have an 1100T 6 core AMD proc, 12g ram, Radeon 7970 3gb. I can run Assetto Corsa on 3 screens at medium-high settings with no problem, and iRacing runs perfectly. Oddly, I just bought GSC, which I know is made from the GMotor engine, and it doesn't have the stutter.

Reducing the graphics settings to low all around seems to reduce the stuttering to only certain points on track, mostly around corners. But it never truly goes away. I'm running in an rFactor league, so I need to get this problem solved!


AMD 1100T
Asus M4A89TD pro
12gb ram
AMD Radeon 7970 3gb
Windows 8.1
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Ahh, this is a rfactor1 thread - disregard my comment.
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With exact interval's I would first check background proggys, I've had this once with my AV failing to auto-update but it still would try anyways every 30 seconds or so.
Maybe rf1 is just more sensitive to it then other sims/games, rf1 becomes more sensitive the longer you use it and the more stuff is installed.

And are you also running plugins in rf1?
I've tried closing everything I thought I could get away with in Task Manager, including all instances of the AMD monitoring programs. I even tried ending CCC. No luck. And I have fresh installs for every mod I run, so I have about 4 instances of rFactor on my HD.
With your system and rf1 there should be no issues at all, it should run silky smooth.
I don't think turning down graphics in-game will help at all, run at max and you still got plenty of air to breath.

You said you tried many fixes but lets go back to square one, double check settings in rf config exe, is everything as its supposed to be? card? resolution? hz?
Is the info displayed about your system correct?

Can you test with different DX settings?

Is this one track only or on multiple/all tracks? (some tracks are badly created and can have major issues whilst others/most do not)

And again: are you using rfactor plugins?
re: micro stutters (not the same as controller lag)

Several guys in our league have mentioned getting micro-stutters.

The frame rates you show ingame are well above 60, but you get some momentary video stutters where the video is not smooth.
To show your ontrack framerate indicator press Ctrl+F

Here are some of the things that have helped.

Suggestions on micro stutters:
vsync - disable it in rFconfig.exe program
what is vsync?
>vsync synchronizes your videocard output with your monitor for cleaner/crisper video
>turning off vsync can help reduce any input lag to your controller/wheel
>turning off vsync reduces lag and stutters but may allow some minor onscreen video tearing of images
>most people cannot see this video tearing
antivirus program - turn it to silent gaming mode
>run this from your Start search button to see what starts up with windows
>shows what is running in the background at startup
wombat's FPS Fix
>adding this dll to your rFactor directory helps some videocards improve fps and smoothness
add +fullproc to your desktop icon command line
add +highprio to your desktop icon command line
set "Max Framerate=-60" in your PLR file
**NOTE: use negative values for alternate timing
Change this line in multiplayer.ini
Auto Join Chat Server="1" //ON - Whether to auto join to lobby chat during start up
Auto Join Chat Server="0" //OFF
Whether to auto join to the lobby chat during start up.
If on, your computer stays connected to the ISI chat server while you are ontrack.
This is the chat server you see when you look for the online track server you are trying to join.
No need for this to be on.
Turn off any background monitoring software such as "motherboard monitor"
Some of these programs use Visual C+ and processing CPU power to run.
As well they continually "poll" your computer during operation.
In your PLR file.
Record To Memory="1" //1=ON or 0=OFF
If ON records replays to memory rather than disk.
Try both ways.
If 1=ON then your replays are stored in memory and no files are written to your harddrive until after the race. On a long several hour race this memory usage could be significant.
If 0=OFF then replay memory is written to your harddrive while you are driving and this may cause some machines to stutter slightly.
Thanks for your help guys. I'm starting to think it's not rFactor or my hardware. I think it might be my displays. When I was shopping for triple screens, I was faced with the choice of buying 3 relatively inexpensive 27" computer monitors, or 3 really cheap 40" TVs. I went with the TVs. I've used TVs as monitors for years now, but I was using a single, and it was higher quality.

I've been experimenting with the maximum frames per second line in the .plr file. The strange thing is, when I change it to display 60 frames per second, I get the stutter every 3/4 of a second. When I change it to 75 the stutter occurs faster, at around 3/8 of a second. When I change it to 90 frames, the stutter occurs so frequently that it's almost undetectable when going in a straight line. It's only obvious when going around a corner, which incidentally is when it's most detrimental. Going higher than that reverses the effect, and the stutter starts to occur less frequently again. Between the stutters is still smooth.

So, could it be the display? I still can't be sure, because the stutter lasts longer with certain mods. Why would the mod make a difference if it was the display? I'm still stumped. I can't fix this.

Edit: The only plugins I use are the realfeel+Leos ffb mix by zeospantera.
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You might have some TV processing crap going on. Make sure you disable all of that. Also, for now, enable Vsync from the rFsctor control panel - it'll help us isolate the stuttering and avoid further stutters due to framerate not matching the refresh rate.
