Surface is Blue in AIW editor


Hi I'm guessing this is a common/easy to solve issue (or hope it is!) but I can't figure it out.

When I go into the AIW editor on rfactor for my new track the entire 'world' is just blue, the track seems to be there as you can fall of the track even where the blue is.

I noly imported just the track surface and the xsecs, nothing else just to check sizes etc.
Is there a track surface at (0,0,0)? And do you get the same blue plane when you load the track in the scene Viewer?
start point is at 0,0,0 never got the scene viewer wroking : O (though all other tracks have worked fine) so am trying to set it up now.
ok so that wasn't difficult :p its a bit different in scene viewer its shows the track as black but has the blue surrounding part of it.

The first pic is when scene viewer first loads. 2nd is from a higher elevation.

Just realised and not sure if it is important but it isn't a circuit, its a point2point track.
Point-to-point or closed circuit makes no difference, no.
I can only assume that the blue object is called in the SCN. There is just no other way the engine would come up with a random plane.

Make sure the black stuff (road surface :) ) is using a material that is listed in the TDF.
You could try lowering the track surface a little bit. That should make the car drop from (0,0,0) onto the first TDF-material below.
hmm strange couldn't figure it out so tfrd the gmt to another test1 folder changed any reference etc and worked fine so maybe just bugged somehow in that folder set-up.
