Track adding laps when I escape.


I am working on a new scratch built track.

I am having a few issues that I hope someone could shed some light on for me so I do not have to rebuild the AIW file 20 times.

When I am in a session and run 2 laps it counts those laps correctly. As soon as I ESC from track to garage it adds like 6 laps to my total laps run. When I go back out it counts correctly again adding to the total laps and then adds more when I ESC again.

I run 2 laps, Track counts 2 laps. I esc to garage Track adds 10 laps. Total laps=12; I go back out and run 3 laps and track counts 3 laps, total laps= 15, I esc tracks adds 10 laps again and total laps =25.

If any one knows of the solution to fix this I wold appreciate it as it would save me a ton of time.

Could you elaborate a little? I don't see this matter addressed directly in that thread. (if someone else comes along searching for a solution and finds this thread, they may not work out what you found... and any external links might have died, too)
The reason it is adding laps is because of the pit extension in the garage area.
I deleted my extension and redid it by recording path and saving as pit extension 2.
Make sure you join it as a branch and cap the other end as end of path.
I then went into the AIW file with a text editor and replaced all the lines that read wp_branchID=(2) with wp_branchID=(1) so the AI will follow the path.

That all.

Hope this helps out any others.

Adding just 1 Lap upon ESC from track. (Bristol Motor Speedway)

Additional Problem on 1/2 mile oval we still can not figure out. I know this exists for everyone that has this similar track in their mods over the years and they all do the same thing.

I have tried to get an answer or find this answer for some time now and need some help.

I create oval tracks in rFactor and have the issue at some tracks of adding a lap when I hit the ESC button.(Not the 4 to 6 laps as above)

I have a track that no Mod team has figured out to date and want to really be able to fix this issue before our 2012 release of our MOD.
The Track is Bristol Motor Speedway. We can not make it function as they do in real life due to the 2 pit roads used during green flag conditions. So everyone makes it 1 long pit road where the entrance is out of turn 2 and the exit is out of turn 1.

Everything is working great except it adds 1 lap to your total when you ESC from the track. In turn this causes DQ’s during a qualifying session.
Now if you enter the pits and then hit ESC it does not add the lap.

I am very familiar with creating AIW files and modding as I have been doing this for 6 years now. This is just one major issue I have not been able to solve on my own and it drives me nuts.

Any guidance on how to solve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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