Track error O.o...:(


Hi! Please help me!! It's very important! I have a Montreal track, which I downloaded from . The tracks works for me perfectly, but it doesn't work for my friend. I have Windows 7, he has Win XP operation system. I don't understand why don't work for him. He has a few gmotor2 error...: Error loading texture CAP_CUBE for material GARAGE_WINDOWS. Idon't think, that this error because of that he has another operation system (Win XP)! What is the problem for him??? o_O I think, this track should work for every operation system and for everyone!! :((((( Thanks for help!
Have him either set his DX lvl to 9 or if its at 9 try 8. Use rfconfig in your main rF folder to change your DX lvl.
It has nothing to do with operating system.
Maybe he doesn´t installed it correctly, or it is like freew67 said, a DX problem.
He tried to use dx 7,8 and 9, but still it's not working. Is there any other solution? :/
Maybe he installed a track/mod with tracks before, which has had a customized commonmaps.mas (located in the Locations-folder) included, which has overwritten the original one and misses the
Some modders don't care about overwriting original files.

Or he has another version of Montreal installed, which has same filenames.

Tell him to first look if there is another montreal version installed (look in trackpacks too!) and if not, simply install rfactor again into the same direction as it is now, to get the original files back.
Or make a fresh install and copy--> paste the commonmaps.mas from fresh to actual installation.

It's always hard to answer such questions, because there are some reasons that can cause such errors.
He tried to use dx 7,8 and 9, but still it's not working. Is there any other solution? :/

texture detail may be to low in your display settings ingame

whatever object has those materials probably doesnt have a low setting
