Track surface shine and reflection???

Jason C. Ray

I'm attempting to build an oval dirt track that has a stage where the surface of the track has dried out and taken rubber. For those of you that aren't familiar with this type of racing, when this happens to a dirt track at night the track surface reflects light and often times you can see the reflection of the cars passing over the surface much like a mirror.

I'm using the most current version of 3dsimed to apply my shaders and make my gmts. I've tried a few different shaders to achieve this effect (cube map add alpha reflect t1, bump cube add alpha reflect t1 and bump cube t1 to just name a few) but, every time I try to load the track I get a mesh loading error and the game tells me that it can't load the cube map that I'm using. The cube map is the same one that is being used on the vehicle that I'm testing with so, I know that there is nothing wrong with the texture.

Does anyone have any suggestions of what shader I should try to use the achieve this effect? And, what sort of textures I should be using with the shader?

This video shows the effect on the track surface that I'm trying to get.
