Track versions (need help)

I don't have any experience with BTB but what i've seen from other tracks with more than 1 layout and made with BTB before is, that they have a lot of needless content.
And that is because the trackbuilder don't use the existing *.gmt of the trackparts that are the same in every layout, they pack every same *.gmt again into the *.mas of every layout.

What you want to do is:

You take the first layout, create your first.scn, first.aiw, first.gdb.....
Then do the same with the 2nd and 3rd layout (2nd.scn, 2nd.aiw, 2nd.gdb....)
Into the .gdb you write in the line:
VenueName = Rustavi (for example)
That you write in the *.gdb of EVERY layout

And in the line
TrackName =

you write the layout, e.g.:

first layout: TrackName = Rustavi GP
2nd layout: TrackName = Rustavi National
3rd layout: TrackName = Rustavi Short

As a result, you get something like THIS

When you use different *.tdf files for every layout, be sure that they don't have same name.
That will cause online-mismatches. ;)
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