Trackside cameras - manual min and max fov possible?

Robert Gödicke

Hello everyone!

I just got a quick question for you guys:
Is it possible to set a manual minimum and maximum fov?
When setting the first flag to 1, auto zoom will be activated. My problem is, the fov is way too low when the car's still pretty far away, so I want a higher minimum fov when it's still far away (less zoom).

Is this possible or did I just run into a limitation?

Greez Rob
Maybe try with playing with default FOV (which probably is used as base FOV for auto zoom function?).
Keep in mind, that those FOV values work only when your FOV setting in the graphics options is set to "default".
Thanks for the tip LesiU, but this changes the entire fov for the auto zoom function, and this results in a way too high fov when the car is up close now. :(
Oh, ok. Looks like the issue is probably just with how auto zoom function works and its min and max range for fov, like you said.
Edit the camera file in a text editor. Change the FOV value as desired. This way the zoom in and out will follow the new default you specified in the cam file. Usually I would change the vertical value only since rF will compute the horizontal value automatically. Values ranged from 5-30 is good for me.
