Trackside Objects Problems


I've looked through the FAQ and other posts, but couldn't find anyone having this problem.

On a rF Lite install, whenever I first start rF...I'm not seeing any wheels on the one car that comes with it. If I upgrade the wheels to the 2nd or 3rd level, I see them fine..just not the standard ones. The tire's are there, just no wheel.

Now, when I load a track I've added to that install, everything outside of the track walls...I'm guessing they would be the trackside objects...isn't showing up, inside or out.

On one mod (F1 1985) once I request a Pit, the objects pop right up after I leave the paddock area...but on the default Toban any other track/mod, they remain invisible, yet I can see the shadows on the track and outside the track walls of those objects.

I'm running Win7/64 with an AMD 3.4 quad core BE with a HD 5870 and the latest drivers (11.6 - have tried 11.3 to 11.5, same thing) running DX9 in the Config and using ATI's CCC to control the AA and other card options. I've tried letting the app control them and it's made no difference.

I'm copying my .exe from my rF DVD to run the Lite versions. My DX version is up to date and I'm letting the Lite install check it every's only "updating" one file...a .dll. I've also deleted any .hat files to make the track re-load after every change...still nothing. I'm also running every graphics setting maxed out and have lowered some of them to see if it would make a hasn't. I'm wondering if maybe I'm missing a file or something from my main install that needs to be copied as well into the Lite ones, as I've not had a problem whatsoever with it in this way....just the Lite ones.

I'm running multiple Lite versions to keep installs "clean"....same styles of wheelers in one, sports cars in on.

Any help/ideas as to what's causing this would be greatly appreciated...I'm at wit's end and have tried everything I know to attempt to fix this problem.
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Win64 hmm i install win 7 32 AND 64 bits rfactor want to lay in C:\Program Files (x86) x86 means it wanna beee installed in 32 bits program folder about use rfactor with win 7 just have 64 bits version i not even think works good but i may have wrong !
I finally found the problem, at least for the trackside objects...I have to be running my AA at Super Sampling or Multi-Sampling instead of Adaptive Multi-Sampling. For some reason, it doesn't like that Adaptive feature too much.
