Trouble with Dedicated Server Set up



I'm running the dedicated server on a Windows 2008 server on a Remote Machine (Lives in a datacenter). All of the needed ports are open and the Server is running. I can connect to it from my client but as soon as I do I get a "Connection Lost" message. I'm able to connect to other rFactor servers without issue. I'm running "All Cars & Tracks" on the server and I tried limiting Cars to "Hammer" as a way to see if it was to do with mismatches. Still didn't work. I've tried other open servers with All Cars & Tracks and I am able to play. Any ideas? No mods are installed locally and no mods are installed remotely. Is there anything I should be looking for in a log or trace somewhere that would help me know what is going on?

Additionally, if you'd like to try and connect to this box the IP address is : XXX

If you have any luck connecting please chat on the server and let me know here! It'd be much appreciated!

- Sway
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I would test but I don't have the "Hammer" installed right now. Are you sure you have all the ports opened up?

Assuming you have all the ports set to the defaults, this is what you need to map:

All Relevant ports should be open. This machine isn't running anything else at the moment so I disabled the firewall across all profiles and added rules to allow all TCP and UDP traffic. I can reload it with some other car set if you let me know what you want. :) Thanks in advance! You seem to be very helpful around these parts. Hopefully we can get this resolved. :cool:

- Sway
Here is the output of netstat showing rFactor running:

Active Connections

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID
[rFactor Dedicated.exe]
UDP *:* 2492
[rFactor Dedicated.exe]
UDP *:* 2492
[rFactor Dedicated.exe]

I've also run "netsh firewall set opmode disable" with the result: Ok. That should disable the firewall.

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I have been running in a league the year and a half and have not been keeping my mods up to date. I just took a look at my install and it looks like all I have that is up to date is the AE86 and PCC2007. I was about to install HistorX 1.9 and NAGT 1.6. So any of those would be fine.

So you opened up the windows firewall but do you not have a cable modem, DSL modem, or any other hardware that needs to also be setup to forward these ports? It is kind of scary to think you machine is wide open to the public an you are passing out you IP on a forum.
I understand the idea of running a "naked" machine on the net is scary but this machine is a test box that has nothing of value installed and is not being used for anything beyond testing this rFactor server. If it were to get hacked I can re-image it fairly quickly. I don't plan on running it for much longer "fully open" like this. I figured it'd make it easier to totally wipe out the possibility of the firewall causing the issue. I'm going to try loading PCC2007 now.

- Sway
I've gone ahead and installed PCC 2007. It's running now. If you have a chance let me know if you are able to connect.

- Sway
I just tested and don't see your server. I am guessing you took it down. If you want me to try again let me know.
It's up and running :( I just tested by searching for IP address directly and I can find it. So you can't find IP XXX? That's weird.

Do you use IRC? If you are going to be around today we can switch this over to an instant medium and then report back any findings for inquiring minds. PM me if you want to try that route. I'm really stumped now. :confused:
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Well, I see on the chat the you've entered and exited! Did you get kicked or?
I joined and then the connection dropped. Then I didn't see your server listed. I kept trying to reconnect then out of no where you server shows up again and I was able to connect for a few seconds and then it drops me again. "Connection Lost". Not sure what to tell you. Can you host other games without a problem?
I haven't tried hosting any other games or installing anything beyond rFactor and the PCC2007 mod. :( If any ISI folks are reading, have any ideas?

I appreciate all the help you've given so far. I've powered down the box for the moment and am making some hardware changes. Will you be able to test again later tonight? If you update this thread with a time you are available to test (EST) I can fire up the box before then and we can try it again. I think that this new hardware will help.
I can test at anytime really. I am located in Florida and I can remote control my game machine from my iPhone if I am away from the house. So just name a time and I will do a test. I will keep an eye on this thread.
Awesome! I have a new IP. Can you try this time? The box will be up for about another hour (Shutting it down at 6:15PM EST)


My brother was able to connect and play so that's a good sign but I'd like to verify.

Sorry I missed the window. I was out shopping and missed this post until it was too late.

Not a problem! I appreciate your help! Do you know of any connection simulation scripts or something of the sort that will allow me to "fake" connections to my server to load test? I think it can handle a large number of servers but I'd like to test.

I don't know of any scripts like that but man would that be handy. The biggest problem with hosting a bunch of drivers is bandwidth. It goes up exponentially as more drivers join. Well the upstream does anyways. The servers downstream goes up linearly. You will want to set up QoS if you have other services on this machine or if the connection is shared.
I've reached out to ISI to see if they have one that they would be willing to share. Regardless, I'm about 10% complete on reverse engineering my own, depending on what information I can get from this last packet capture.

Great work! This would be a great tool for the community if you can pull it off.
