Ubisoft today de-listed The Crew, without notice, on all platforms. At the same time they announced that after March 2024 the ‘always online’ title will cease to function in any way. The reason for the shutdown is probably licensing, their expiry, and the unwillingness of Ubisoft to continue to provide functionality for sales that probably will no longer cover licensing fees. The Crew, according to the statement below, took seven years to develop and featured some genuinely groundbreaking technology and enjoyable gameplay. What it didn’t feature, is a way to play the single player without a server handshake (and some

Ubisoft De-lists ‘The Crew’ And Announces Game Unplayable, Even For Single Players, After March, 2024 | Race Sim Central
Ubisoft today de-listed The Crew, without notice, on all platforms. At the ...