Unlimited Money and unlocked cars issue?


Hey there everybody, i had just recently bought Rfactor. I know just a few years late. Well my problem is, i created a new driver and was automaticaly given well over 2 billion dollars and every car unlocked. I know most people wouldnt mind. I like to start a racing a game and work my way through. so i tried going into the driver profile folder and adjusting the experience and money and it resets back 2 billion.
Does anybody know how to fix this?
I have exactly the same problem! Some one have to know what to do!? Or did you find a way top solve it Nhamlin4??
I'm having the same problem and it's very annoying! The point is that I don't want to have to dig through a hundred cars looking for the few that I own. Previously could just use the view owned cars button, no matter what I do, rFactor insists that I own every vehicle. This only started happening after I installed the 1255c version.
You can see if ISIBABYFACTORY works in reverse.

Otherwise, edit the CCH file in your player folder. The credits and experience appear near the beginning. I believe deleting the [vehicle] entries will remove the cars owned. The CCH can be edited with a text editor, e.g. NotePad. Make a copy of the file first, just in case.
You can see if ISIBABYFACTORY works in reverse.

That doesn't work.

Otherwise, edit the CCH file in your player folder. The credits and experience appear near the beginning. I believe deleting the [vehicle] entries will remove the cars owned. The CCH can be edited with a text editor, e.g. NotePad. Make a copy of the file first, just in case.

This doesn't work either, because rFactor reverts both the money and experience to 2147483647 every time you select a different mod or close and reopen rFactor. Even if you delete all the .CCH files, rFactor will automatically max out your money and experience for every mod.

And it will also add every car in the mod to the .CCH file as well.
I installed a non "C" version of v1255 and it works fine. Apparently v1255c does the ISI_BABYFACTORY automatically, whether you want it too or not. :(
I switched to a different mod, closed rF, reopened rF and selected the mod/cars that I wanted. Then I closed rF and opened the .CCH file to verify the money/experience and owned cars was correct and it was. Then I changed the attributes of the file to read only, thinking that if rFactor couldn't write to the file, the file couldn't be changed, and it would only display the owned cars in the file, like I wanted. Yes, it would be a clunky work around...but it didn't work.

Despite the fact that rF couldn't write to the file, it still gave me 2147483647 in money/experience and I owned all the cars.

What that...?

So, I closed rFactor and looked at the .CCH file...it was just as I'd left it. rFactor did not alter it.

So, apparently this new version of rFactor doesn't even depend on the .cch files any more. Where the data is getting stored or retrieved from is beyond me. Hopefully someone here can shed some light on this.
I noticed that the rfactor.exe in 1255c is significantly larger than the previous version. So, I'm guessing that ISI hard coded rFactor to automatically max out your experience/money and simply retrieve every car in the vehicle folder. If that's true, I can't imagine the reasoning for doing that, but I sincerely wished they had left well enough alone. As I like to say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I've raised it, along with the pitlane speed limited being defaulted to off.
I've raised it, along with the pitlane speed limited being defaulted to off.

ISI released version 1255c of rFactor. This removes the external company managing purchasing and activation of the product, and instead is managed by ISI. Everything else, including the activation policies, remains unchanged from the old 1255.

I really appreciate the effort that went into updating and improving the activation of the game. However, in the previous version we had the ability to own/view only the cars that we had purchased. I personally loved this feature and I used it exclusively. Granted, it's not a major component and most people probably won't even notice it's absence, but in my opinion, it was a valuable tool and I can't understand why it was altered; especially since it is very common knowledge that ISI_BABYFACTORY accomplishes the very same thing.

Nevertheless, I'm sure you have your reasons and you don't need to explain them to me, but if you're going to state that everything remains unchanged, then it really should have remained unchanged. I and others have spent countless hours dissecting and troubleshooting this issue, because we were led to believe the aforementioned statement was true. I'm not asking you revert 1255c back to 1255 functionality, although that would be nice, but I would be so bold as to respectfully suggest that you inform users who adopt or purchase 1255c that this feature is no longer functional.

It seems the guys believe you're the exception:

Re the pit limiter:
Yes, changed this on purpose. For those that need to get use to it, it will cost them some penalties. But it will help the many people who give rF a try and cant figure out what is wrong with the controller because they cant get any speed.

And for the money issue, they said same people having same kind of issues.
It seems the guys believe you're the exception:
It seams I'm on this list as well. I was wondering why I haven't had to buy any cars that I didn't already own. It doesn't bother me personally. Out of all the issues I've read about in here and the rF2 section this is the first time it's affected me.

I have no plug-ins that could be blamed for this. It's just the base install, Full 1255c with tracks and car mods.
I have no plug-ins that could be blamed for this. It's just the base install, Full 1255c with tracks and car mods.

It's not a bug, from what Tim's saying.

If you look at it from a newcomer's point of view, they'll never know it worked differently and they'll just go and select whatever car and track they want and race. As Tim points out, how many people get a mod and just automatically use ISI_BABYFACTORY (hence the 'widespread knowledge of it') so they can use whatever car they want, and on the other side how many times do people post in a forum or wherever saying "I can't drive the xyz car, what's wrong?" and someone else says "you don't have enough money or experience - use ISI_BABYFACTORY".

And many (good) mods have cars priced at -1 because they didn't bother with progressive pricing and set series (which struggle to work when you've got so many track choices in rF1).

So it does seem likely those actually wanting to use the career development mode are in the minority. With that in mind you can see why they might decide to just open up everything, albeit quite late in the piece :)

It's probably a bit of a shame you can't override the new default behaviour should you possess one of the mods that actually has progression in mind, and you want to go that route. I think this is where Durge would say "have two versions!"... I'd be more inclined to add an option for it, though.

I beg to differ. As new comers begin to venture into popular mods, like the Enduracers mod, they will be confronted with a daunting number of cars. Eventually they will want to be able to quickly switch between favorite cars. It is then that they will discover that view owned function does not work and they'll wonder why they cannot sell cars that they don't want. This will eventually lead to them becoming frustrated with a product that doesn't work as advertised.

Also, if the ISI_BABYFACTORY was such an important feature and there was so much confusion and dismay by rF1 newbies and it's use, why not implement this change five years ago when rF1 was still highly sought after? Why wait until now, when rF1 is a dying sun, and why not at the very least document the change, so that others wouldn't be mislead?

I understand the reasoning behind the change, but it seems a bit short sighted in my opinion, because anyone serious about sim racing isn't going to be a newbie for long.

In the end, I suppose it doesn't really matter, ISI is free to do as they will and if they don't feel it's necessary to document feature changes, that's their prerogative. Ultimately it's a minor inconvenience either way. I just hope that the original v1255 reactivation continues to work, because I intend on switching back to that version.
I am definitely in the opposite camp, I can't tell you how irritated I was after downloading a mod for a series a league was running to find I had to drive only the lower class cars until I had gained "experience" I now have to waste my time driving pointless laps just to get the car I want...Maybe there is a setting in some .ini file but that is not the point. I just want to drive whatever car I choose without having to jump through hoops...You just can't please all of the people all of the time :)
There's always two sides to every story. For me, this ISI_BADYFACTORY was a blast from the past. I haven't heard about this sins back in 1899. Had totally forgotten about it.

The thing is, People get rFactor, A mod they want and joint a league to race. The amount that just use it offline and work through the career mode thing is so small these days I guess ISI saw it as a way to eliminate the majority that don't what the career thing over the few the do.

For me and so many others who have had rF pretty much sins it's first release the career mode is just a inconvenience we don't want.
Even now with rF2 there's so many that really wouldn't want to have a lock on using cars by this system because they've been in a league/s for years and this is just seen as transition from one to the other. rF2 has is own set of problems when it comes to using it but I want bring my view of rF2 here.

I've never understood the need for people to want and have every single mod and track every made for the game. You can only drive one car at a time and which either you prefer, tin top or open wheelers. So get the mods you want to drive and join a league. You don't have to join in straight away with their races. Join the practice servers and race there. It's called practice but the servers run a cycle and do have a race. Most new comers to rFactor aren't new to sim racing. It's usually a transition from console games. rFactor is a sim were consoles aren't claimed to be but there often used as the first step. Console games these day are now as internet based as PC gaming and people are more accustom to the league idea or mentality. With this in mind, personally the career mode is a old and no longer needed concept in a full blow sim with full online access now available to the larger majority of the world.

I'm not going to put words into ISI's moth but as I see it, this is the mindset that has come to the conclusion the the career mode isn't wanted or needed anymore.

This may sound strange up if I was new and wanted to do something to improve my driving skills, Run a career type mindset for a season of racing now with rF that doesn't have one, Join a league and follow it's schedule offline. Use the server to learn to race around others, The AI in rF leave a lot to be desired anyway. Like most other games the AI are just that and can't/don't think on the fly like real people can. Even as a learner your far better off learning with the real thing then the AI every time. On the servers though your behavior is just as important as is theirs towards you. In though words "Do to other as you would have them do unto you!" Basically drive with you brain in gear and they'll soon learn you name and know you can be raced around cleanly and safely, Or not! That's up to you.

In the forums and on the servers you'll get help with any aspect of the sim, How install or uninstall mods. What works and what doesn't. The best plug-in if you want them. Setups. Best tracks to download. There can be multiple versions of the same track. League in general have tried them all over time and know which ones work the best. It's not always the pretty things that are the best.
@ Knight of Redemption

I understand what your saying, but there were already several ways to overcome the inability to drive all cars. ISI_BABYFACTORY being the simplest, altering the .cch files was another. However, you had the option to do either or nothing at all. Now, because of the ham fisted way it's been coded into the .exe, you don't have that option any more. My only complaint is that the ability to sort/view cars "by owned" is now forever broken.

@ D.Painter

I don't believe anyone is suggesting that there is a necessity for a career mode any more. I just want my function to view by owned back. On the topic of league's, if you are in a league, then you know that most leagues allow for custom paint scheme's. The league that I am in, Champion Motorsports (CMSRacing.com), has two divisions of the LeMans series, which features the Enduracers Mod. If you are familiar with that mod, you'll know that there are five classes of cars with potentially hundreds of car choices. Since I race two different class cars in two different divisions, having the ability to quickly sort between cars that I own was a nice feature to have.

@ All/ISI

I appreciate that Tim has addressed the issue and I also appreciate everyone's comments, even if I disagree. In the end, I realize that no one is going to acknowledge that being able to select/sort cars via the "Owned" function was a nice feature to have. It is clear to me now that there are very few who consider sorting through hundreds of cars an inconvenience. Considering the archaic way we are forced to select cars in rF2, I suppose I should be happy with what I have in rF1, but that's a topic for another thread. Suffice to say, I realize that I'm beating a dead horse and I'm moving on. Thanks for all the inputs and comments.

Cheers to all,
LOL I am an expert at dead horses, no worries mate, we will agree to differ :) Oh it wasn't a money issue I was locked into a career mode to unlock a car I wanted, money is, as has been pointed out not a problem.
I didn't realize that the owned cars side of things was so important. Though now I see the ease to find a car among so many could be simplified the mods are broken down into class/car make/teams in alphabetical order so I didn't think it would be that big an issue.

It's not like I disagree with you, I think like you ISI should have just left it as it was. This has been and still it my personal view but you yourself have said that companies don't listen and ISI is far from the only one to be guilty of that. Taking away the option to choose seems to be the current trend being displayed by so many these day.

I was mealy trying to describe a alternative to a career mod. Unfortunately I have no solution or suggestion for the cars owned. Trying to make the best out of a bad situation you could say.

The thing that's already well apparent is that rF2 is far worse then rF1 has even been and now without this feature it's still a better selection proses.
I am definitely in the opposite camp, I can't tell you how irritated I was after downloading a mod for a series a league was running to find I had to drive only the lower class cars until I had gained "experience" I now have to waste my time driving pointless laps just to get the car I want...Maybe there is a setting in some .ini file but that is not the point. I just want to drive whatever car I choose without having to jump through hoops...You just can't please all of the people all of the time :)

Yeah but I just bought the game after liking the G27 logitech demo.. Only to find the game is like a trainer/crack. I was enjoying slowly building up cars as I got better over the free hour - was looking forwards to buying new parts and experimenting. But now I can't play it that way.
It's so easy to mod either the start money for a cup type - or just directly in your ini file. Or just type in the cheat mode.
I cannot believe that there is no way to make the game like it was.


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