Upgrading to a 750Ti or R9-270X?

Paul M Jones

Hey everyone,

I was thinking of upgrading to a 750Ti OR a R9-270X as rFactor 2 isn't running that well with my current specs (they're bad..).

Current Specs

AMD Phenom X2 II 565 3.40Ghz
AMD Radeon HD 6790
ASUS M5A78L-M/USB3 Motherboard
WD Caviar Green 1TB
450W PSU

Which card would you recommend? I can upgrade the PSU if necessary. Also, would these cards be bottlenecked by my CPU?

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I replaced my R9-270X with a Nvidia GTX980. rF2 is now much better with highest settings. And yes, i gues your CPU would bottleneck your new GPU. If you are thinking about upgrading your CPU, you should thinking about a new PS, too...

//Edit: and maybe add another 4GB Ram
I had a 550 ti and really struggled to keep hdr on or go above anything but medium settings. I went for the r9 290x and I am really pleased how the card is running rF2. Full settings apart from things like road reflection that doesn't work correctly on most 3rd party tracks and slightly lower shadows, that card combined with a mid range cpu and mobo and I can run 20-25 ai cars at 60+ fps all day long.
Always had nvidia cards up until this point so pleasantly surprised how good ATI/Radeon cards are.
...Always had nvidia cards up until this point so pleasantly surprised how good ATI/Radeon cards are.
Funny, the same to me, just opposite ;-) I was on AMD GPU`s all the years, at least, as i wrote above, the R9270X. I was very frustadet about the performance and changed to the GTX980. Never regretted this step :) Maybe it was the fault to buy the 270x instead of the 290x, but s*it happens :)
