VCR Replay Parser - Here is my code so far

Rainer Heynke


I wrote the last days a bit of software to read and write the vcr replay data. Its quite not done, but at that stage, I decided to get my work public. Maybe some of you want to contribute. There are great possibilities to create cool tools for statistics, action replays, ....

My code is hosted on GitHub and written in C++

Its for rF1, but there will be also a tool for rF2 in future
Thanks for sharing Rainer! This is a project I have been interested in but haven't found the time to do it.
I updated some of it the last couple of days. Now I'm working on get more detailed statistics from the replay (laps, driving distance, overtakes, ...)

There many ways to download code from github. If you use windows and would recommend to use the github-gitclient. There is this big button "Clone in Windows". This should you direct to the github client download. If you don't want to use git at all, and simply take a look into the code, you can download it as zip package (The button left of the clone button called "zip").

Here is the link to the zip of the master repository (will be updated by each commit):
