What graphics card you have?


And what would be good for me? I want cheap-mid range card. Should be able to run RF2 without problems, as I've seen many people having problems with some cards.

I want to run near full settings.

please give some suggestions which cards do work without hiccups and get a good performance out of it.
You better define "cheap". In general, for a single-screen rF2 player, the minimum you'll want in the nVidia range is 970GTX or the equivalent AMD range. Make sure your motherboard supports the fast video bus & width (e.g. PCI-E 3.0x16 if I recall correctly). If you're not in a rush, the next generation of video cards should be here by the end of the year; that means sales on the current stuff and faster/better power usage with the new stuff. Hiccups are usually associated with multi-GPU systems.
GTX 970 maybe a bit overkill for his needs, especially if cost sensitive.

Stobe84, what is your monitor resolution and refresh rate and do you have any intentions of upgrading to a higher resolution display in the near future? If it's 1920x1080, a GTX 970 is really over kill to get great performance out of rf2 on near max graphics.

GTX 960 is a good deal cheaper (at least in the uk) and should give really great performance in rf2 at 1920x1080. But if you can afford the GTX 970, then all the better (allowing you to use for example externally applied/enabled SGSSAA to really sharpen up the image quality, etc).
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A GTX 970 would even be enough for VR gaming, but we can forget that with rF2 now. Even a decent Nvidia 700 series or maybe even 600 series card will do at 1080p, rF2 graphic tech hasn't changed much the last few years. I have a GTX 660 and I wish it had a little more performance, but it's still very playable on default settings (rF2 wbsite lists GTX 760 as recommended). For AMD it's more difficult to say as many users here moved away due to issues with AMD & rF2 in 2013/2014. Today I would not expect much issues with AMD either.
I've got a GTX680 running a single screen at the moment. Looking at upgrading but waiting to see the first gen of VR tech cards before upgrading which should be significantly more powerful than cards designed to run a single @ 4k.
I have an AMD R 290 3gb. great card for the price and runs max/high settings at min.100 fps+ with large fields on heavy FPS track/car combos.
XFX Radeon R9 390 8GB GDDR 5 is cheaper then GTX 970 and runs rFactor2 with max settings single screen 1920x1080 locked 120fps. XFX Radeon R9 380 4GB GDDR 5 is fine too.
And what would be good for me? I want cheap-mid range card. Should be able to run RF2 without problems

I want to run near full settings.

Need to be a mind reader without knowing what your other hardware specs and budget are.

ok so screen is 1920 x 1200 60hz.
i5-4570 cpu 3.20 ghz
3,46 gb usable ram

My radeon can't run this sim at all. I have invisible textures with my HD5700. Have tried everything but can't get RF2 to work at all.
I checked prices of the suggestions but I maybe have to buy some of those used.
Buy used if you have to. R9 390 or 380 (or equivalent from previous gen) are great and you won't need a new one for a while if keep that res
Your RAM is a problem, you need 8gb. That's probably parf of the problems you have in rF2
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I bought a used EVGA GTX780sc recently and with my screen (1680x1050) I can run max settings including Antialiasing and HDR. The rest of my system is in the tab near my avatar. I payed 180 € for the card (1 year old).
32 bit system can only have max 4gb of ram and that's what I have. The ram is enough. 2 is required I think and i got along with 2 before iirc just fine.

Would these be ok? any of these have problems with Rf2? Found these used;

MSI Geforce GTX 560 Ti Twin Frozr II/OC 1GB 47€
Asus GTX 660 2GB OC DirectCU II 39€
ASUS GeForce GTX 570 DC II 60€

Sapphire Radeon R9 280 3G Dual X 83€
Sapphire AMD Radeon R9 280X Dual-X OC 3Gb 127€
Radeon HD 6950 2GB 60€

Most of these have time left, and are open for raising the price so they can get higher.
R9 I have heard good things about generally and I'm thinking about it. But then again, you can't beat that price 39€ of GTX 660

Opinions please :)
Is it good idea to try that 39€ GTX 660? Has there been problems with that card?
It's good idea to test the cheapest possible card to see if the problem is indeed my video card. I waste money if the problem persists after changing video card. I'm pretty sure it's a video card problem though...
Go for 64 bit system.. it will make a difference...
R9 280 or 280x for sure
If going for HD series discart anything bellow the 7850 IMO
Gotta check if your power supply can handle those
I have the 7870 AMD and it works fine with rFactor2 and all my other games but I would recommend nVidea tho . I also have 32 gigs of Mushkin ram and my AMD cpu overclocked to 4.5 .
Hoping to get the MSI TitanX by the end of the summer .
Is it good idea to try that 39€ GTX 660? Has there been problems with that card?
It's good idea to test the cheapest possible card to see if the problem is indeed my video card. I waste money if the problem persists after changing video card. I'm pretty sure it's a video card problem though...

In Nvidia I would go no lower then a GTX670.

Your CPU fine
Get W7 64bit and 8GB of ram

Using a faster 2GB GPU @ higher quality settings you want 8GB.

ISI recommend 8GB with a 3GHz i5 ( which you have ) and GTX760 ( which is around a GTX670 )
Go for 64 bit system.. it will make a difference...
R9 280 or 280x for sure
If going for HD series discart anything bellow the 7850 IMO
Gotta check if your power supply can handle those

It won't in terms of FPS, only loading times(more RAM doesn't give you more frames per second).

@OP I'd say a 670 as a minimum.
It won't in terms of FPS, only loading times(more RAM doesn't give you more frames per second).

@OP I'd say a 670 as a minimum.

It is more then loading times.

It is the physical limit reached.

4GB ram is for 1GB GPU and slower CPU

8GB for 2GB+ GPU and Faster CPU

More quality settings , you use more ram loading.
Finally, after a long time I got R9 280x DirectCU II for 100€ including shipping. Soon It'll be clear if me
not being able to run the game at all is because of graphics card.

also I noticed now that I downloaded the latest version of the game that it does work without the terrible
slowdown and invisible graphics at least on some tracks. Some crash at loading screen.
Funny thing to point out is that even with high settings the asphalt and grass textures look like crap, so I'm pretty sure it has been video card memory issue.
They updated how some things work regarding graphics in one of the newest builds and that seems to have helped.

Thanks to everyone for suggesting me graphics cards. I ended up on this good deal and that card is legendary and the king of 200$ class of cards, outperforming Nvidia's cards and costing less than their
I'll be here when I run into more technical issues, hopefully not but this IS Rfactor 2 so...
