What is up with some drivers?

old hippie

Hi,* if all goes to plan my racing rig should be complete in less that two weeks and I will be joining your site.* I am really looking forward to getting started.* In the mean time I have been watching a lot of racing videos of all kinds.* One thing I have noticed, there almost seems to be a general disregard for running into, over and through other racers.* Is this the norm during races on your site.* Other than a loss of time and place there does not appear to be any consequences for such action.* Since i do not have any racing experience and will have a lot to learn, I am just wondering what to expect.* I have been in contact with you folks, I am the disabled vet under hospice home care that will be spending a lot of time on your site when I am up and running.* Maybe you should take that as being forewarned, rookie driver look out!
Hope you can provide me with some insight about what happens during the races.* Thanks

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Hi Larry,

You may be confused. 'Our site'? We sell a product, not a full racing service, you don't join rFactor, you buy it.


Please excuse my lack of knowledge

Sorry I did not understand the membership/owner process. So I am not buying a membership but instead I am buying a share of some kind, is that correct? Bottom line I will be able to race to my little hearts content, yes? Thanks for taking the time to educate me. Now about the racing. Is the running into, over and through other racers the norm. If so I am sure I will adapt. Although without any racing experience, I would think the racing would be better if there was an effort made by all to race clean and avoid hitting others if at all possible. As I stated I have a lot to learn and hope you folks will take the time to get to know me and provide me with some guidance along the way. Thanks again and looking forward to making friends and sharing some track time.
Larry the old hippie
If you're talking about rfactor, you own it and can race it until your hard drive can't spin it anymore. It's yours bud.
old Hippie, this is not iRacing, you own rFactor once you purchase it. You know like the good days? Go to the store, see a game, buy a game, go home play the game, then never asked to give more money to keep playing the same game month after month.
josh "the good days?" ha ha yea where did that go ? when you buy the game not rent it with a montly payment !
Sounds like the good ole days are getting closer.. A free beta copy to help testing I'm in ...
Howdy old hippie,

The problem with drivers behaving poorly, is mainly do to the age of the driver(s) in question.

As long as kids are involved you will have these types of problems.

With any and all race sims the harder the car is to drive the fewer children you have racing them.... They don't take the time to learn how to drive. So, when you're ready, I would suggest the 60's F1/F2/F3 cars. I've experienced more trouble free racing here than the other cars that are much, much, much easier to drive. The problem with that is that like rFactor1, it may become hard to find anyone to race other than the kids in Megane Trophy.

All this being said, I know that there are youngsters out there that are getting upset with me... And, there is always "the exception to the rule"... But in general they don't care... It's just a game... I'm just thankful that there isn't a way to 'talk' like you can on iRacing.

Now... If ISI had a way of reporting abusive drivers that would be a great start!

Or... do as iRacing has done... If you're not over 16, you ain't racing here. And/or, incorporate a ratings system so that the drivers that want to drive like they're the only ones on the track end up not being able to race anything but a trainer car, online.

But, if you're really an old hippie (that's the age bracket I fall in) then you have to do as I do... Ask yourself "why am I playing with 12 year old kids???" LOL!
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Hey old Hippie. You can come and race with us old baby boomers at my league :cool:
