whats wrong with this gmt ?



only one smoothing group, everything is fine on 3ds max 2010...

Whats this black areas ? how fix it ?

Texture seems to be in place, so it's either normals or faces are flipped.
There're flipped normals indeed and looks like vertex colours added. If you have 3dMax, check the vertex colours. What is this, by the way?
thanks guys.

have a way to fix it to export correctly ? never got this.
Tried to export as DAE but give me Geometry error.

newbie question: where i check the vertex color ?
Also, make sure you do not have vertices that are not attached. This can cause odd shading problems as well.
was vertex colors :cool:

i select all vertex and applied a new color. Solved.

i think this problem started when a new part was attached to the body.

thanks guys !!

every post was useful ;)
Odd that, usually vert colour blends onto the adjoining faces (unless they are separated) and those tri's have solid sides and they don't look separated.

Glad you got it sorted :)
