Where is the running data stored in the rFactor?


Hello everyone,I am a newer for rFactor. Now I have a task to understand the rFactor,for example,I want to know where the running data such as speed,acceleration and so on is stored. I look up all the files under the install path but I can not find anything useful information, I look forward to some useful suggestions! Thanks!:confused:
As far as i know, this information isn't stored on disk. It's kept in the memory while you are on track.
You can create a plugin for rFactor which outputs this information to disk. A goot example can be found on the rfactor.net site: http://rfactor.net/web/rf1/devcorner/
Look into the section: rFactor internals plugin
There is a data acquisition plugin you can install, which will write telemetry data to log files readable by the MoTeC data analysis software. I don't think the latest version of MoTeC works with the plugin though, I'm using I2 Pro 1.01.0082, which isn't available from MoTeC's site anymore, but I once assembled a bundle with the plugin, MoTeC I2 Pro 1.01.0082 and a MoTeC project which works with rFactor. You can grab the bundle here. The two .exe files are installers for MoTeC and the plugin, and the other files should go under My Documents in Windows.
The only way to get live telemetry is to write your own plugin in C++. There are a lot of live timing plugins with web interfaces but no live telemetry plugins that I know of. I wrote a plugin that will output an XML file with telemetry data that I was later going to make a web interface for. I race in an endurance league and thought it would be nice if the guys could watch what my car was doing while I was racing so they could do number crunching about pitstops and stuff like that and report to me over TeamSpeak. I never finished it because rFactor is notorious for crashing on driver swaps and so many people say plugins cause swap problems so I never had the guts to try my plugin. I run other plugins though that people always say will cause crashes (RealFeel) and never once have I or anyone in my team had a crash. One of these days I will grow some and test my plugin in a race. :)
