Why AI cars behave badly..


... in some circumstances.

Expecially on kerbs, negative or positive is the same.
I mean, if you use simply geometry on a kerb, an AI car didn't show any issue.
But, if the kerb geometry is a bit complex, you literally see AI cars, sinking riding them, sparks and so on.

Probably is related to suspensions and the hat file, i don't know exacly how the AI cars are running, but those 'spikes' are hugly to see.

I wish to know why this happens to AI and NOT to human driven cars. Driven by humans are perfect.

You can see the effect exiting the Prima Variante at Monza, Roggia, 2 Lesmos, using an ISI track, Brianza, but happens in a lot of tracks with kerbs with good detail, mine too, let the AI run and you'll see the problem.

View attachment 314

This one is a +2,5cm , not very high but same story.

Just a guess (but a calculated guess) It's probably got to do with the track surface smoothing. I saw Michael Borda talk about it in another thread.

Michael Borda
11-01-2011, 10:48 AM
One of the improvements in rF2 is reduced (and configurable) track surface smoothing/filtering. Without getting into too much detail, essentially, as polys have become smaller than at the time the system was designed our coders have been able to reduce the filtering. As larger polys tend to have sharp unrealistic edges on road surfaces. So yes, you should get a more direct feel in rF2. You've always been able to run different hat surfaces vs. graphical surfaces at your leisure, but this is not something we persue.

I'm interested to know what frequency this smoothing works at (in rf1). Weather it works both ways or only if the poly's are too big. ie, I would like to know the shortest distance it will interpret, because no point making a track poly 0.5m if the smoothing only goes down to only 1m.
In line with what Michael implied in his post: You could create a different version of the track that does not posess those special geometric features (like the drain in your curb?) and generate the HAT from that. If it's an issue caused by the AIW only, you could even use the self-made smoothed version for AIW generation only and afterwards regenerate the HAT with the more intricate model.
Thanks guys, nice tips, i'll try for sure.

I knew that my way to model some parts, is the root cause, (drain holes of course but also the frequency of the kerbs).
Good to read that something more responsive will be in rF2.

Another trick that blinked in my mind today is to make a flat kerb, not rendered but hat enabled, expecially on those negatives and lower kerbs, like that one in the screen.
Then using 'the good one' for the scene but with hat and collider off.
Maybe can work with no visible artifacts. I'll try it too.
Let the fake rumble do the job, :cool:
