Why can't I get Rfactor's FFB to feel like Game Stock Car Extreme's?


I personally feel that GSCE has some of the best FFB out there. You can feel every bump in the road, the wheel feels tight without being obnoxiously heavy, and I can really tell what the car is doing in a turn by how resistant the wheel becomes. As far as I know, GSCE's FFB is just the good old RealFeel plugin for Rfactor, just tweaked by Reiza studios. I decided to recently reinstall Rfactor due to the large amount of mods and the support for upgrades, assuming that I could tune RealFeel to feel as good as GSCE.

However, I haven't been able to. I dunno why, but Rfactor feels like a mess, even WITH RealFeel enabled. Most cars exhibit one of two problems:

1: The wheel feels lifeless; you can rotate it without any force, which makes staying straight at high speeds a mess and makes it impossible to tell what's going on with the car

2: The wheel feels too strong; in the center, it takes no force to turn at all but as soon as you turn even a little, the wheel wrenches in that direction and becomes very hard to turn in the other way, which can be a pain with switchbacks and just plain sucks to drive in.

One example would be the CART Factor mod. The one for GSCE feels damn near perfect, and that's with almost no adjustments to the default FFB settings. On Rfactor, even when I tweaked it to be like GSCE's, it constantly has the second problem where the wheel is just plain obnoxiously heavy. For an even stranger example: I loaded up the 1971 F1 mod for GSCE and tweaked the FFB till it felt rock-solid. Then I directly copied and pasted my RealFeel settings in GSCE to mine in Rfactor, and got in the exact same car. It felt like not a single thing had changed: the wheel was still mushy and lifeless, giving me ZERO feedback whatsoever. I have no idea why this is happening when I directly copied over the GSCE settings that felt perfect in that game.

Am I missing something? The only thing I can guess is that Reiza's tracks are much higher quality and therefore I 'm getting a lot more roadfeel. But I feel like that can't be the whole story.
Sounds like you have ffb strength set to a positive value. For most mods ffb should be set to a negative strength...reflects whether the steering rack is behind or in front of the wheels I think.
