Why do cars shake in pits?


I am fixing some AIW problems on a track - in the original the AI were not parking properly & were simply teleporting to their spot, rolling starts did not work, and AI race line needed improving.
It is all working well now, except that the AI are shaking very slightly when parked in the pits/garage.

It does not affect my car, only the AI.
It is not noticeable from outside their cockpits so it's not a major problem, but if I go in cockpit in any of the AI cars, they have a very slight 'shake' as they sit in their garage spot (on pit lane).

Can anyone explain why it's happening and/or how to stop it please?

Cheers :)
Sounds like the new cockpit vibration option in the UI. Dunno if it's what your seeing though.
lol, it looks like that, but it is not that, unfortunately - only affects the AI, and it is while they are stationary in the garage. Something to do with the road surface or garage spot conflicting I think but I cannot resolve it :(
I've seen this several times before as well.
In making changes to the mod it has gone away after I made a new .pm file and then made changes to the .hdv file (springs, arbs, dampers, etc.)
I still often use carfactory and the parameters it provides seemed to resolve this vibrating car issue.
Thanks GFraser, the only thing is, it is just this one track it is happening with, so I feel it is more likely to be the aiw than the car itself.
I've tried re-creating the garage and pit spots but it still remains.
Luckily it is only slight, and only visible from inside the AI cockpits so it doesn't really matter if I can't solve it, but when I see a problem I hate to give up & I'd like to learn the reason. :)
Did the AI also shake with the original AIW file?
And is it happening with all mods on this track?
Did the AI also shake with the original AIW file?
And is it happening with all mods on this track?

Hi redapg, thanks for answering, No it didn't happen with the original AIW, but the AI were not originally parked in pit lane. They were originally at the rear of the pit lane. But the pit spots were not working correctly (cars were not driving into their spots, they were just teleporting back to the garage when they entered pit lane), this is why I decided to do some fixes, so I made a completely new pit path, and placed the garage spots AND the pit spots in pit lane, which I have done without any trouble on other tracks.

Everything works ok, except for this one problem. My car is fine, and all other views of the cars are fine, but when I go in cockpit of any AI, it looks as if the track around them is shaking slightly.

To answer your second question, I just checked another mod and the problem does not exist, so could it be the cars after all? - although they do not show this problem on any other track, so I am more confused than ever lol.

Thankfully, since they are ok on all other tracks, and since it is not even noticeable unless you want to go into an AI cockpit while it is sitting in the pits, I can live with it, but ideally I'd like to learn the reason & fix it.
Do you have the possibility to open the track and the car in e.g. 3DSimEd or another possibility to find out the name of the garage object (*.gmt) which includes the surface on which the cars stand?
If yes, take a look if the object is tagged with " CollTarget=True HATTarget=True" in the *.scn file.

And did you use the ISI AIW-Editor for changing the garage spots?

Control if the cars eventually touch an object like the side- or backwall or something else inside of the garage.
Thanks redapg, I'll check this with 3dSimEd.
Yes I used ISI AIW Editor.
