How to get cars on a plain background for screenshot?


I figure the modders would know the answer to this. I want to make a poster with each entrant's custom liveries in our ORSM V8Factor league with a head-on image and side profile. Is there an easy way to get those cars on a plain white background (with shadow would be a bonus but not essential) so that I can easily copy the car (and/or wagic wand it) for insertion into a PSD? Is there a custom spinner anywhere that does this maybe? Some other utility for doing this?

The car viewer that's been floating around for years can't open the ORSM cars.
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Would something like this help?




The mirroring can be deactivated in the *.gen file if needed.

The mirroring can be deactivated in the *.gen file if needed.

Yeah! This without the refelction would be perfect. Where can I get that mod/rFm or how can I get the spinner looking like that?
Get THIS Download.

It includes 2 files, the
and the

I don't know if the ORSM-mod has an own UIData and Vehicles-folder.
Therefor you have to take a look into the *.rfm-file.

If yes, put the BK_MAIN.BMP into the UIData-folder and theVview.scn into the Vehicles-folder of the mod.
If the mod uses the default folders, put the BK_MAIN.BMP into the default UIData-folder and theVview.scn into the default Vehicles-folder.

And to get rid of the mirroring, you have to open the XXX_spinner.gen of the mod and change the line:
ReflectPlane=(0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
//ReflectPlane=(0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

That should give you the wanted look.
