Anything I may be overlooking?
Like other guys said first talk to some ATI R 380 owners in the sims and games are most important to you personally.
If rF2 is your major concern and like me you will never run higher resolutions unless you win a lottery I say save up another 200 and get a GTX970.
It is a bit hard to give good advice when no one knows your hardware specs, even a GTX960 wants the healthiest "bus system" possible for no bottlenecks.
With stock i5-4690, low end gaming H97 board, 1600 memory and Gigabyte GTX970 G1 all the latest sims at 1080p are very good.
If you use more then 1920, even 1440p which a lot do with the same GPU is where you are still going to run into that "sacrifice zone"
My point being you won't have to buy i7-4770, Z gaming best ram to run a GTX960
In fact you can build a i5-H97 system will run clock for clock just as good and you can afford a GTX970 !
The place Hi End hardware comes to effect is dragging every little bit of stability and speed out of every component for hi res multi monitor multi GPU setups.
If you can afford this, why not