opening a .spt file


Can someone tell me what to use to read the vehicledata.spt file that resides in the UserData folder?
From This link

.spt, namely SpeedTree Data file, is a Tree Data file format created by SpeedTreeCAD. SPT files belong to a kind of 3D image file, thus it could be opened by other 3D image program.

SPT files are used for tree geometry construction, LOD data implementation, wind animation and cloning.

open spt file on Windows:

* IDV SpeedTreeCAD
* Autodesk 3ds max with SpeedTreeMAX plugin
* Autodesk Maya with SpeedTreeMAYA plugin

No, thats not meant in rf / f1c.
.spt file is the old telemtetry format from f1 2001 / 2002 / challenge, but the telemetry tool is not shipped with rfactor i think cause of copyright purpose.
so use the f1 challenge 99 / 02 telemetry software to open that file.
rFactor stores it after each drive and its overwritten again and again so if you want to use it make backups of it.

