banging head against the wall.....


im creating a mod, the cars in it dont require any windows, so when i try to go to a track the mod CTD, so i run the trace file and get this.....

util.cpp 542: Unable to adjust texture for material: wcwindow, tex0=GAMEDATA\VEHICLES\AWFUL ALTEREDS\T-BUCKET ALTERED\TEAMS\BIG ROCK BREWERY\

then a bit further down is this .......

slot.cpp 440: CollisionBodyChecksum=-470518080

can someone help please

thanks in advance
The first entry is harmless, i would say it appears because you have a wcwindows material, but there is no special windows-texture for that car.

And the CollisionBodyChecksum shows up even at mods without any error (don't know what it stands for).

So there must be something wrong with your car.

And there can be lots of reasons, nearly impossible to answer only talking here over the forum.

Do your cars have all lights?

What were the last lines of the trace-file?
thanks for your reply redapg, i went through all the models which make up the car, wheels, engine, etc etc........turns out that a file attached itself to one of the engines i am using, so once i eliminated the material from it it was ok.

as for the CollisionBodyChecksum, it turned out to be a faulty tires.tbc file
So the problem is solved?

I ask, because i have trace-files of mods with same entries which don't cause CTD's.
