Black texture

Kevin Nappert

hi all, i made a nascar car( only the mesh) and now i try to import in rfactor, work well only i have no texture, i put a mat from another car that i import properly. The alplha work but the car i completely black whit no spec. So i kind of appling the texture but something cause to be 100%black. look like the car no recive light!?!

View attachment 243View attachment 244

it do the same for 1 track (WIP)
First thing I'd do is check the vertex colour.

I don't think your problem is the material, but just so you know, the shader you want to use on a car is 'Bump Cube Specular Map Add Alpha Reflect t1'.
Also, this is not related to your problem but if you copied a material that you imported using the gmt importer, you will have to change the specular colour and power because the importer resets it.
thx for you answer, what i chose for dx7 dx8 and dx9, only those oh start whit bump cube?

have a idea of this error message when i put a .dds in dx8 slot 2 DDS format cube map required for this stage

if you have other tips for my firts moddeling car it will be so nice. i will lets you know if its work. in a few moment

still black can you printscreen the 3 DX whit a exemple of a mat!?
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I just set dx7 to 'Cubemap t1' and set the cube blend to 50%,
as for dx8 I just use 'Cubemap Add Alpha Reflect t1',
dx9 'Bump Cube Specular Map Add Alpha Reflect t1'

On dx8 and dx9, the shade of the alpha channel on the diffuse texture controls the cube map blend, white alpha is 100% cube, black alpha is 0% cube. You want to aim for an average grey shade.

You can find an example car in the first version of the rFTools
Open the example rehz in max and check out the wccarbody material

Still black? I am 99.9% positive its not the materials that are causing it. Sorry I might have confused you there.

Right click the car and select object properties, turn on 'Vertex channel display' and select vertex colour. If the car turns black, go to vertex submode, select all and in the rollout change the vertex colour to white.
i need to put a materiel on the car and im not sure what is a ddss format cube map required... my texture is 1024x1024!? its cube no? i think its for 256pixel and lower.

K nice i paste the texture from the rvtoolsv1 and the problem was me somewhere. i think it was not the vertex color.

now i have the problem that the Smooth group dont follow the model. have any idea?

thx again
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Cool I'm glad you got the black sorted out.

re: cubemaps.
There is a mas file in GameData\Vehicles called cmaps.mas. Use the mas tool from ISI to extract the contents and put them in a folder somewhere. Inside there you will find cubemaps. There is and
You don't need to include these files in your final product because rf will get them from cmaps.mas. Just use them for 3dmax.

re: Smoothing
You need to detach smoothing groups to elements. You can select smoothing group by number and detach to element manually, or you can manually select polys, or you can use a script to do it quickly for you.

Alex's scripts has a script that will do this, In the 'Shortcuts Script', you will want to use 'poly smoothing fix'.
