Boost effect


Hello everybody, my question is very simple, where inside rfactor 1 can be set the number of seconds that engine boost takes place?.

Thank you very much in advance

Kind regards
Hello, thanks, here appears some questions

1- Rfactor has a boost function without any plug in, so somewhere should have a file to set that. To be honest the "boost function without any plug in" has never work for me.
2- I use another plugin implemented in the F1TOTAL2012, based in the rfDynHud plugin, but i did not find anything
3- I knew rFHigh_Voltage, but I does not work for me, I have a problem detecting my st wheel, i did not try during a lot of time, because the rfDynHud plugin works and I was happy with it. rFHigh_Voltage has a file, or add some lines to the rfm file where sets the boost time, but I could not try because does not work so.....


kind regards
The lines for setting the boost are in the engine.ini file.

EngineBoostRange=(0.0, 1.0, 10)
BoostEffects=(15.0, 0.005, 0.052) // RPM increase per setting, fuel increase (1%) per setting, engine wear rate (5.2%) per setting
BoostTorque=-0.0043 // 0.4% less torque per setting (applies to all RPMs)
BoostPower=0.000150 // % more horsepower per setting

I do not know the best settings to use, so you would need to experiment with the numbers.
